Chapter 15 - Draco and Liv drama

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Hello beautiful people!

So this goes out to suga_babe013. She asked for something like this, so here you are!

This is different to the original version that I've got on my iPod, so it's gon be FREESTYLE!

Yay! Enjoy :3



Liv's POV

I'm sitting at the dinner table, just enjoying my homemade fish and chips when WHOOSH! Honey the tawny owl comes flying in!

"Oh! Sydney must have sent me a letter!"

I quickly excuse myself from the table to read the letter.

Once I finish, I laugh. I have to reply. I know what she's like, if I don't reply she'll think I'm dead or disabled. She likes to know what's going on.

I go to my bedroom and grab a piece of parchment. I take a quill and start to scribble.

Dear Sydney,

Hey! I haven't been going on dates with Draco that much but there was one that was pretty special. I'll tell you about it when I go to your house.

Anyway, we should go on a double date! It would be cute! Actually, now that I think about it, Seamus hates Draco, so maybe not. Well, they don't have to talk, but we can!

I haven't visited any of the Rejects so it's okay. We should get one of those big compartments on the train so all of us can be there and have a special little reunion.

I will ask my mother when I can come round to yours, so I'll letter you again.

Oh, and good job on the room decor! I certainly couldn't have designed my own room.

Have to go now. Was in the middle of dinner!

Love, Liv.

I tie it to Honey's leg and send her home.

She'll reply. I know she will.


I wake up the next morning with an owl pecking at my leg.

"Really Honey? Really? I was actually having a nice sleep."

I unite the letter from her leg and read.

Hey Liv!

Feel free to come for a sleepover. Just ask your mum what days you can come and just arrive at my house I guess!


I hop out of bed, grab a quick shower, and a slice of toast with good old jam.

Mum sees I've only had one piece. "Ah, you need to eat some more or you'll faint like before! Go on, have another piece!"

I groan and put another piece in the toaster. It pops up in a few minutes and I almost have a heart attack. I take it out and put it on my plate. This time I smear some honey onto it, and take a bite out.

I quickly eat th rest. I ask Mum, "hey, do you mind if i go round to Sydney's for a few days? We've been planning a wee bit."

"I thought you were going to Draco's for the week?"

"Oh... uh... just let me check." I run to my bedroom and look at my calendar. It says "Draco' House" every day of the week. I am stuffed now. There's only one week of the holidays left!

Yes! I know what to do now. Split the week so I'm at Draco's the first half and Sydney's the second half.

Brilliant! How did I not think of this before?

I go back to the dining room.

"I've had an idea," I say.

"What is it?"

I explain my plan, then she speaks. "Yeah, I'm happy with that. Go pack your bag so you don't forget to."

I race back to my bedroom and get two pieces of parchment. On one, I write;

Dear Sam,

I can come for the second half of the week, because I'm at Draco's for the first half. Is that okay with you?


Then on the other piece...

Dear Draco,

I'm sorry, but I can't come for the whole week. I really do want to, but something pretty important's gonna happen so I can only come for the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I am so sorry!


Oh my god.

Did I just lie to my boyfriend?

Well, it is pretty important. I haven't seen Sydney for a while. I tie the first letter to Honey's leg, and send it off, then I walk back to the dining room where I unlock Dawn, the tawny owl's cage.

"Hey, Dawn, you get some exercise today!" I tie the letter to her leg and send her off to Draco. I sigh.

"What's up?" I hear Mum say. I turn to face her.

"Nothing. It's all good." I say.

I lied to my boyfriend.


Around mid-afternoon that day, both of the owls had come back with letters.

Sydney had written:

Hey Liv!

That's cool with me. You can just arrive at my house whenever.

Oh, and give Draco a slap from me!


Draco had written:

My dearest Olivia,

That is alright with my father and I, but what is this important thing you have to go to?

Never mind, you can tell me when you come over.



I can't believe he doesn't call me 'Liv'. I'm his girlfriend for God's sake!

I pack two separate bags for each house I'm going to. In the Malfoy bag, I pack most of my dark clothes, because I feel like I don't fit in with all my bright clothes!

I also pack his present. I got him a miniature silver snake. Like the one Sam got for Em but it's just silver with details. Perfect for his house pride!

Then I pack the 'McVeitch' bag with all my bright clothes.

I also pack her present. It's a fox, but it's an ornament that looks around and blinks and it's ADORABLE!


OKAY I know that wasn't quite as long but I think you can just hold on until maybe next week for the next update. It'll still be in Liv's POV so you (Liv) can enjoy what *cough* happens *cough* between you and Draco.

Ahahahahahahahga I know stuff you guys don't!!

K byeee

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