Chapter 10 - Chelsea, Em, and Quidditch.

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Dear Diary,

The great start-of-year feast.

I love it.

I sat next to Seamus (of course) and we listened to Dumbledore's speech.

He knew that I knew.

He could see me looking terrified.

I was.

I honestly couldn't bear to see him die. Really.

But I knew it had to be done.

We got a few Gryffindors which was good.

Chelsea got put in Ravenclaw. She's that sort of person.

(Yeah, I know her in real life. She's Mac and I'm Cheese.)


Damn! She got put with Emma-Leigh! I'll have to get all the gossip about Em from Chelsea, seeing as she probably won't talk to me for at least a week.

But now that I think about it, she'll probably bounce back and say "I'm sorry for the way I acted on the train. It was dumb and everyone knew anyway. Fred and I had just had a fight so I was a bit fragile."

Then we'll hug and be all normal.

I honestly don't know how she does it.

Damn that girl!


This new chick Chelsea isn't the innocent one I though she was.

She can be quite... different.

Oh. I almost forgot the most amazing two things about her.

She is allergic to nuts eggs and dairy. I swear she can't eat anything!

And the other crazy thing; she has a cousin in NZ who looks exactly like her and is the same age.

What is with this?

And her name is... Caitlin.

I don't even know.



A few days later, all us Rejects are in the Room of Requirement talking about the Yule Ball.

I love it.

I shared my experience and cried, just remembering it.

"Oh my god, why are you crying? It was such a good time!" says Liv.

"No, no, I'm crying because I got to see him again. It was beautiful. Oh, speaking of 'him', I told him I would meet him in the common room... see you guys!"

"Ooooh, is this another tongue session?" says Hazel, wiggling her eyebrows. "Er... I actually need to go see someone. Bye!"

"Is everyone leaving? I honestly feel left out because my boyfriend is at work at his sweet shop!" says Belle and starts crying.

"Hey, you're not the only one. I'm dating your boyfriend's twin! And he's probably at work too." says Em and pats Belle on the back.

She's gotten over me being in the same room as her then.


Time skip to Quidditch match between Slytherin and Gryffindor

We change into our Quidditch robes in the changing room then do a group huddle.

The captain, Angelina, says "okay, Gryffindors. We're gonna smash those Slytherins today! Okay. We know that they're pretty good with their defence so we need to step up on that. Remember how we practiced on Friday? We practiced like it was the real thing. We've go to make this the best game in Hogwarts history!"

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