Chapter 5 - Transferring

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Dear Diary,

Time skip to 5th Year

Olivia said the only way for us to go to Hogwarts was to get expelled. So, when we were learning how to set fire to something, she "accidentally" set fire to someones hair.

Oops! It was enough to get transferred.

We were told to get our trunks. You should have seen Liv's face.

She almost couldn't keep it in.

We raced to our dorms and screamed with joy.

"We're going to Hogwarts! This has GOT to be the best day of my life," she said.

"I can't believe it either. We actually get to meet Albus Percival Wulfric Brian, DUMBLEDORE!"

"Wait, how do you know his full name?"

(Let's just say that Isabelle Morgan may have said something about it...)


We went in the magical carridge. Madame Maxine had a I'm-not too-impressed-with-you-face on.

When we got there, they had a Feast going on. Dumbledore had to interrupt the whole thing.

He said, and I quote, "today, we are welcoming two transfers from Beauxbatons. We have the sorting hat here, and they will be sorted into houses."

I'm pretty sure I heard someone say, "right now? At this very minute?"

Dumbledore replied, "yes, right now. Come in, girls."

We were standing outside the humongous doors of the Great Hall, and without us doing anything, they opened.

I love magic.

I felt all eyes on Liv and I as we walked up the middle.

"Come and sit on this stool," said Dumbledore, very welcomingly.

I sat down, and the hat sat on my head.

I already knew what house I was in, thanks to Pottermore. Thank you, internet!!

"Hmm... brave but cowardly... devious yet loyal... it will have to be... GRYFFINDOR!"

I smiled fom ear to ear as the Gryffindor's welcomed me to their table. I felt right at home.

I prayed that Liv be in Gryffindor, as the hat rested on her head.

Huh, maybe prayers do come true!


I clapped so hard my hands went sore.

Oh well.

My best friend was in the same house as me!


When we had finished the meal, we went to the common room where all the Gryffindors asked us questions. Like the obvious one, "why did you transfer?"

Liv and I had previously made a plan to say that our parents were closer here than at Beauxbatons.

When all the questions were answered, we went up to our dorm.

But first, I got stopped by someone.

A lovely Irish lad, by the name of Seamus.

He tapped me on the back. "What- oh my god!"

I hugged him so close. A tear rolled down my cheek.

"I missed you so much." I muffled into his shoulder.

"I missed you too."

Then our lips collided, and it lasted so long.

I honestly couldn't ask for something more romantic.


This is just getting better and better.

I have already written 14 chapters on my iPod, and the most recent one one is amazing!


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