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Prince had no idea how long he had been walking for. It felt like he had been walking for hours, but he didn't care. So long as he managed to put as much distance between himself and that damned castle Prince didn't care if he walked for weeks.

He no longer recognised where he was, but Prince considered this a good sign. It would surely make it harder for the palace guards to track him down and drag him home if he was well and truly lost.

Eventually the light began to fade and Prince found his energy fading along with it. Reluctantly, he decided he would have to rest. He figured he had enough of a head start that he could afford to sleep for an hour or so and so he tucked himself inside the mouth of a cave, bundling himself up in his cloak as his eyelids grew heavy and he began to drift off to sleep.

Unfortunately for Prince, he had failed to notice the set of glowing amber eyes that were keenly watching him from just a few feet away.

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