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Prince was beginning to think he had been abandoned.

Was he really so insufferable that he could convince a man to abandon his home within less than 24 hours for fear of having to reside within Princes company? It seemed so.

Either that or Angus had gone hunting and was struggling... severely, as Prince had waited from dawn until dusk for his return.

Prince had just given up hope and curled himself within one of Angus' cloaks when he suddenly heard footsteps and froze. He shrunk away into a corner, ice cold fear tightening his chest as he half expected one of the palace guards to appear at the mouth of the cave. Instead, a familiar figure appeared with what appeared to be the skinned body of a wild boar dangling from his hand.

Angus grunted and hauled the boar inside the mouth of the cave before raising his head and looking around, a smile lighting up his face once he saw Prince.

"Hey lovely," Angus said, dragging the boar over to a makeshift pit before he set to work. Prince wandered over as Angus lit the fire and set the boar on a spit then raised an eyebrow at Prince.

"You been cold?" he asked and Prince felt his cheeks flush pink, tugging the cloak further around himself with a nod.

"I'm not... usually the outdoorsy type," he mumbled, gesturing towards the fire and Angus' eyes softened in understanding.

"Once dinners over I'll show you how to light one," he said, gesturing for Prince to come closer.

Prince hesitated but obeyed, squeaking in shock as Angus suddenly wrapped an arm around him and pulled him against his side.

Angus looked down at Prince and tilted his head. "Warmer?" he asked as Prince felt himself turn bright red, which was obviously due to his close proximity to the fire.

"....Warmer," Prince confirmed, hesitating before he allowed himself to lean against Angus' side, listening to the pitter pattering of rain as it began to fall outside the cave.

It seemed he hadn't been abandoned, yet.

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