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Prince awoke to a growl followed by a blood curdling snarl. The sky had turned crimson, meaning that he couldn't have been asleep for that long. Exhaustion still festered his bones, however the sight of a large burly creature tackling a wolf caused him to scramble to his feet and duck further into the cave nonetheless.

Prince held his breath as the creature which he now recognised to be a brown bear pinned the wolf to the forest floor, snapping it's teeth in a threatening manner that caused Prince to pale. He had never been particularly religious, but the sight before him had him silently praying to each and every god in existence that the bear wouldn't notice him. If it did, Prince was as good as a dead man.

To Prince's horror, the gods appeared to ignore him as the wolf managed to squirm free and looked towards him. He felt his heart freeze as the bear also swivelled it's head in his direction, momentarily locking eyes with Prince before huffing and tackling the wolf.

Consumed by fear, Prince squeezed his eyes shut and waited for his unavoidable death however to his surprise there was a scuffling noise followed by a yelp then pure silence. When he eventually summoned the courage to open his eyes, Prince was shocked to realise that both the bear and the wolf had vanished. The only evidence that they had ever been there in the first place was a rather large blood stain that caused Prince to tremble and the corners of his vision to darken.

Unfortunately, his body didn't seem to recognise that fainting in a region where two predators had just fought was an incredibly stupid idea.

The gods had spared him once, but it was unlikely that Princes good luck would last.

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