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Angus was cursing himself. He had fallen asleep, how had he been so stupid as to fall asleep?

He had woken up in the early evening, groaning and stretching before he had peeked inside the cave only to find that Prince had vanished.

Angus had immediately panicked and fled to his friends for help, only stopping once when he was halfway there to shift back into a man. He had then hammered at the cabin door until Geralt had let him in, stammering rapid fire scenarios in which the palace guard had found Prince and dragged him home while his friends stared at him as though he had lost his mind.

"Angus- slow down, we don't know what you're talking about," Arkon said not unkindly, resting a hand on Angus' shoulder and Angus drew in a deep breath.

"The man...Prince, the one I told you about. He's gone," he said, swallowing heavily in an attempt to subdue his panic.

Riyo frowned at that. "Gone? Where?" he asked and Angus shrugged, albeit shakily.

"I dunno, he has people after him and I was trying to protect him but this damn curse and- I fell asleep," he admitted with a sigh.

Azalea shot Angus a sympathetic look, opening her mouth to speak before freezing as there was another knock at the door.

Eskel looked around at his friends, raising an eyebrow as they all stood in stunned silence befoe he shrugged then walked over to the door and opened it.

Angus almost fell to his knees.

There standing in the doorway, looking absolutely exhausted but otherwise fine, was Prince.

"Hello-" Prince began to say before his gaze fell on Angus and he went incredibly pale. He began to stammer then shied away as Angus closed the gap between them within two strides, gently grabbing Prince by the shoulders as he surveyed him for injuries.

"...You're okay," Angus breathed, pulling Prince against his chest while the others surveyed the spectacle with a mixture of confusion, surprise, and amusement.

Prince eventually pulled away, looking up at Angus with a kicked expression. "....I'm sorry- if I knew- I shouldn't have come," he said before turning on his heel and bolting out the door.

Angus made a distressed noise and immediately followed after Prince, leaving his friends gaping after him.

"....Bet ya a squirrel he'll be the one to break Angus' curse," Azalea said eventually, and the others murmured their agreement.

Heavy is the Head.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt