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Unfortunately for Angus, Prince fell asleep before he could demonstrate how to start a fire. He supposed it was a good sign though as it indicated that Prince was warm and comfortable now, rather than cold like he had been earlier.

Angus tried his best to carefully move Prince without waking him, picking the sleeping man up in his arms and settling him on his bedroll. Well, Angus attempted to settle Prince on his bedroll. It seemed that Prince had other ideas as he clung to Angus in his sleep, whimpering as the taller man tried to gently prise his fingers away before giving up with a sigh.

Figuring that he had a few hours before sunrise, Angus sat himself down and frowned in confusion as Prince immediately appeared to relax, burying his face against Angus' chest with a sleepy mumble.

Running a hand down his face, Angus tipped his head back and leant against the cave wall. He wasn't particularly sleepy. Angus spent his days sleeping due to his curse, but he couldn't help wishing that his sleeping pattern aligned with Princes so that he could spend more time with the man. Angus was no fool, he knew that Prince was on the run from something and that he wouldn't choose to spend his time with Angus if he weren't. But Angus still appreciated the company, he just wished that he could help Prince.

Angus was so lost in thought that he didn't notice Prince stirring, however hearing Prince whimper again Angus' attention immediately snapped to the man and he looked down at Prince, frowning worriedly.

Prince was still asleep with his cheek pressed against Angus' chest. His expression had creased with fear and he was trembling within Angus' grasp.

"Please," he whispered, so quietly that Angus had to strain to hear him. "Please papa, I don't want to..."

Angus' frown deepened and he hesitated before gently beginning to rub Princes back, sighing as the man continued to tremble and hid his face.

".... don't want to marry the princess," Prince mumbled, Angus' expression clouding with confusion before realisation dawned on him and he stared down at the man in his arms.

It suddenly made sense why Prince had no outdoor skills, and why he was on the run. He was a royal...a prince, trying to escape a planned marriage and it was highly likely that the entire royal guard were out looking for him.

Angus swallowed heavily, knowing it wouldn't be a good look for him if he was caught hiding the crown prince. But Prince seemed so scared, Angus just wanted to protect him.

Angus cuddled Prince against his chest, desperately trying to soothe the distressed man. He didn't have much time, the sun was beginning to rise and eventually Angus was forced to abandon Prince as the familiar changes began to overtake his body.

He managed to untangle himself from Prince, laying the man down as carefully as he could before he slipped out of cave, trying his best to ignore Princes distressed whimpers and mutterings.

While Angus really didn't want to leave Prince, he figured the man had enough problems without waking up against a sleeping bear.

Angus grit his teeth and hid in the undergrowth as his bones began to snap and crunch, warping into a more beastial form. As the changes slowed he snorted and shook himself then flopped over, being careful to remain hidden as he eyed the mouth of the cave.

Angus' curse may have prevented him from comforting Prince, but he would be damned if it would prevent him from protecting the man.

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