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Prince woke up alone, again.

He looked around the cave then sighed heavily when he realised it was empty. He rolled to the side of his bedroll then hefted himself to his feet and stretched.

Prince ate some leftovers from the previous night before quickly bathing in a nearby stream. He then wrapped himself in one of Angus' cloaks and sat beside the pit, waiting for Angus to return.

As the hours crawled by, Prince began to lose hope. He knew better than to stay where he wasn't wanted and so, as the sun began to set, he gathered his few possessions and left the cave.

Prince wasn't sure why he felt hurt. He supposed he was just used to people liking and admiring him for the crown upon his head, so this was a stark reminder that he was nothing without his throne. That and the fact that he had liked Angus, but Prince was self aware enough to know that he had been nothing but a burden to the man. Angus would appreciate the fact that Prince had taken the liberty to remove himself from his hair, he was sure.

As he walked, Prince lost track of time. It was dark and he had absolutely no idea where he was, but that didn't matter. So long as the guards didn't find him, Prince didn't care where he was.

Eventually, Prince came across a log cabin within the woods. He paused his walking and hung back from the structure, eyeing it warily.

Prince was exhausted. He had not slept during the day and he had travelled throughout the night. He was hungry and his feet were sore, but the cabin was lit up like a jack o'lantern which insinuated that it's inhabitants were awake.

Had the palace spread the news that their beloved prince was missing? Was there a reward promised to anyone who returned him safely home? Enough time had passed that this seemed likely, but Princes survival skills were woeful and so he found himself traipsing up to the front door and knocking regardless of the risks.

He just hoped that whoever lived within the cabin didn't pay attention to the news or gossip of the kingdom.

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