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Prince didn't know where to go.

He felt like such a fool, knocking on a strange cabin in the woods like that. He should have known better and he should have suspected that it would contain the friends that Angus had talked about. After all, who else lived alone in these damned woods?

Prince took a deep breath, wrapping his arms around himself as he surveyed the forest. He wasn't sure where to go and he whipped his head around as he heard a twig snap behind him only to see Angus approaching him with a worried expression.

"Prince, can we talk?" Angus said and Prince wrapped his arms around himself more tightly then puffed out a sigh and nodded.

"...you know, if you didn't want me around you could have just said," he mumbled stiffly, causing Angus to go wide eyed with confusion.

"Prince- what are you talking about?" he said in such a gentle tone that it grated on Prince's nerves.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about!" Prince snapped. "You vanish all day every day without a word as to where you're going, only to return late in the evening! I know you only want to put up with me for a few hours rather than a full day! I'm not stupid, Angus! I know when I'm unwanted!"

Angus felt his blood run cold. "Prince that's not- I do want you around!" he exclaimed, feeling anxiety clawing at his insides as Prince scoffed and turned away from him. Angus knew he hadn't got much time. It would be sunrise soon, but if he left things unresolved with Prince he knew that it would be unlikely he would ever see the man again.

"Prince please, I want you," Angus whimpered, flinching as Prince whirled back around. His expression was ice cold.

"Then where do you go and why do you never tell me where you are going!?" Prince demanded, glaring at Angus. "What's the big secret!?"

Angus swallowed heavily, his broad shoulders curling in on himself. "I...I can't tell you," he stammered, flinching again as Prince laughed.

"Then that's all the answer I need," he said, turning on his heel and beginning to walk away.

Angus made a whining noise in his throat, grabbing onto Prince's shoulder and tugged him back towards him. Before Prince could utter a word he leant down, closing the distance between them and kissing Prince deeply. Prince made a shocked noise, freezing up momentarily before involuntarily melting into the kiss.

Prince was impossibly confused. None of Angus' actions made sense and yet, kissing Angus felt like the only thing that made sense in the world.

Angus began to pull away as morning light filtered into the glade but Prince made a protesting noise, clinging tightly onto the other man as he leant in to kiss Angus again.

"Prince- I have to go," Angus muttered reluctantly, trying his best to disentangle himself from the pink haired man. Panic coursed through him as he felt the telltale signs of his curse commencing. Already, his teeth felt sharper. If he didn't escape soon Prince would realise something was off.

As if he could read his mind, Prince glowered at Angus. "Take me with you," he said firmly, staring at Angus as the man began to back away.

"Prince...Prince I can't, I'm sorry," he stammered, curling his fists so that Prince wouldn't notice his sharpening nails. He winced as his forming claws dug into his skin but quickly made his expression neutral.

Prince simply set his jaw.

"Then I command you to stay with me," Prince said, striding forward and grabbing Angus' shirt. He yanked the larger man towards him, clashing their mouths together in a kiss that contained such frustration and desperation that it stole Angus' breath away.

Instinctively, Angus wrapped his arms around Prince. He wanted to protect Prince. Protect him from the people who were after him, from the marriage that Prince didn't want, and to protect Prince from his own curse.

Angus was just about to tear himself away again when he realised that he was no longer in pain. His changes had not progressed despite the fact that the morning sun was higher in the sky. He should have turned by now, but he hadn't. Why hadn't he?

"Stay....Please," Prince whispered, tangling his hands in Angus' hair and causing him to shiver. Angus didn't know how or why he hadn't turned, but he figured he was safe...for now.

".... I...okay I'll stay, Prince. I'm staying," Angus muttered, tightening his arms around Prince. Prince sagged against Angus' chest in relief then kissed him with renewed strength which Angus reciprocated.

Angus figured that perhaps the gods had taken pity on him for once, and he was grateful.

He was grateful to have not lost his Prince.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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