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After dinner, Prince had promptly fallen asleep and left Angus alone with his thoughts. Listening to Princes light snores, Angus reflected on how much he hated being alone with his thoughts and realised that he had made one fatal flaw.

Now, Angus had always known he was by no means the sharpest knife in the drawer. Or even in the kitchen, for that matter. But even he could recognise when he had been even more stupid than usual.

What had he been thinking?

Alas, he supposed. That was the problem. He had not been thinking.

Maybe it was the fact that Angus had not had company save for the company of his unofficially adopted men kids in so long, or maybe it had been Princes baby blue eyes and pouty lips, but Angus had made a major mistake.

The sun was beginning to rise and once it did, Angus' humanity would disappear. This had been happening every night like clockwork for over seven years. Angus had almost gotten used to it, but he was now starkly aware that it was not normal and that Prince would likely freak out if he were to witness Angus' curse.

Angus winced slightly, both at the thought of Prince calling him a monster and at the slight changes that were beginning to occur within his body. He felt a tickling sensation as his hair began to gradually thicken, followed by a  burning within his muscles as they began to contort and grow.

As his nails began to sharpen, Angus stole one last look at Princes sleeping figure before he quickly and quietly slipped out of the cave.

He would make his excuses to Prince tomorrow and hopefully his new companion would not hate him. But for now, Angus had to leave before Prince woke up as he would most assuredly hate and fear the cursed monster that he was.

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