1 | pt. 1 : right back where we started

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Twisting the handle, the girl cautiously pulled it with unease. With a hesitant tug, the door inched open, revealing a scene that froze her in place. Her breath hitched in her throat, eyes widening in shock as they fell upon the sight before her. 

There, slumped against the doorframe, was the lifeless form of the officer, his uniform stained with fresh blood. Y/n watched as Kennedy's body slid downward, the weight of his own inertia causing the door to swing wider as he collided with the ceramic tiles of the bathroom floor.

With a surge of adrenaline, the girl urgently retreated back into the bathroom, away from the opening of the door. Carefully, she tugged the man further in as silently as she could.

It was apparent that there was no way of saving him. She knelt down, observing how his lifeless eyes glazed over -- a result of the many bullets that seemed to have been mercilessly punctured through his body. She furrowed her brows. Bullets? But she hadn't heard anything.

Y/n focused back on reality, exhaling a quiet breath when she hoisted herself back upright. She peeked past the door, cautiously surveying her surroundings. Nothing seemed to be out of place other than the dead man by her feet. Poor guy.

Though, her ears caught the unmistakable click of a gun. She swiftly turned away upon hearing the noise, which was followed by quiet footsteps stalking towards the bathroom. Her eyes flitted the room, searching for any route of escape.

Unable to find any way, she decided on an spontaneous plan. It wasn't solid, but it could work.

"Wait! I'm coming out."

Y/n slowly stepped to the side, emerging by the doorway with hands raised into the air, her fingers placed behind her head. She was met by the sight of three men, all dressed similarly, their appearances alike. They were each clad in trench coats, their platinum blonde hair accentuated in the dim light, firearms grasped firmly in their hands.

The three stood like statues ahead of the girl, their weapons pointed at her before they glanced knowingly at each other as if they were silently communicating.

Her lips pursed before she hesitantly spoke, playing along with their deadly game. "So.. Who are you guys? Commission sent you?"

The man clothed in a navy blue coat only narrowed his eyes at her before they shifted to the men beside him, who both nodded in a hushed acknowledgement. "Back. Alive," came the blunt accented voice from the man. Holding up two fingers, he gestured towards the stained carpet.

In response, the other two nodded in unison once again, aiming their guns downward, towards her feet. Then, without warning, a silenced bullet sliced through the air, narrowly missing Y/n's ankle, making her recoil at the sudden action, almost tripping over Kennedy.

Reacting instinctively, she raced to slam the splintered door shut. In retaliation, the wood trembled under the relentless barrage of bullets that tore through the bottom of the door with lethal intent.

The girl drew back, pressing herself into a corner of the bathroom. "Uh.. So, how do I get out? Can I like.. Teleport without seeing where I'm going?" She murmured to herself, attempting to drown out the gunfire that echoed through her ears. "Okay.. Um."

Y/n prepared herself, trying to clear her mind, purely focusing on the image of Kennedy's apartment door. She stood there in silence for what felt like an eternity, her muscles tense with anticipation. But as seconds ticked by with no sign of escape, a sense of frustration coursed throughout her. "Shit."

The gunfire seemed to lessen before it completely halted, leaving the air lingering with the distinct stench of the assault. The girl let out a short huff, too exhausted to fight after everything that had occurred recently.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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