Chapter 4

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I ran down the hall pushing passed everyone and rushed into the bathroom. I threw up everything I had eaten for the morning, a bitter taste was left in my mouth. I quickly got up from the ground and washed out my mouth and cleaned my face. I took out my phone and called Brie

"B could you take me to my doctor I'm not feeling too good"

"Sure I'm on my way" she hung up her phone and I went back to my office to wait for her

"So what's wrong?" Brie asked not taking her eyes off the road

"I think I'm getting the flu" she hummed

"Sure you're not pregnant?"

I had the urge to punch her, we had sex twice both times we used protection. In fact we haven't had any contact for two months now, I've only seen him on TV every now and then

Not to long after I strolled into my doctor's office

"Hey Amy" I greeted the receptionist

"Oh, hey Drea. What brings you here?" she chewed on the end of her pen

"I just need a general check up, if Hailey's not busy" she winced

"Sorry but-" Amy was cut off by a door opening to reveal my doctor escorting a short elderly man out of her office

"Hello Andrea, good to see you. So,what are you here for?" Hailey walked over to me after she escorted her patient out the door

"Good to see you too, I just wanted a general check I haven't been feeling too good" she took my hand into hers and pulled me into her office closing the door behind her.

"So, what's up. You can sit" I hopped up on the doctors table

"I've been nauseated, I threw up a few times, I've just been exhausted and my breasts have been really painful. I think the vomiting is caused by sea food I ate yesterday" she nodded and slipped on her gloves

"When was your last period?" I froze, when was my last period

"I think a month or two ago, I have an irregular cycle" 

After being probed and poked Hailey left to get my chart then came into the room with a huge smile on her face

"So I need you to lift you shirt for me, I want to confirm my suspicions" I did as I was told. She sat down and took some gel and passed it in the transducer

"This is gonna be a bit cool" she passed it around my abdomen, the gel leaving a cool sensation

"Ah I was right, you see how this looks like a baseball" she pointed to a small circle on the screen

"That's your baby" I nearly chocked on my own saliva

"Excuse me?" that came like a slap to my face, what the fuck did I get myself into

"You're gonna be a mom Drea"she took the transducer off of my abdomen and whipped my stomach clean.

"How is that possible we used a condom and I wasn't even ovulating" 

"I remember you told me that your period is irregular so that could play a part and technically there's no safe time to have sex it's not very likely but you can get pregnant right after your period and sperm can live up to 5 days in the womb. Also condoms are not 100%, it could have broken"

"Anyway your baby's growth is going fine as far as I can see. What exactly has your symptoms been?" I was silent, not even blinking

"I'm gonna go get Brie" she said worriedly

Brie enter the room with a bright smile and some pictures of the sonogram in her hand

"Oh my god I was right. I'm gonna be an aunt!" she wrapped her arms around me, rocking me from left to right

"Take me home" she raised an eyebrow

"Now Brie....please" she rushed me out of the room, to her car after a short chat with Hailey about prenatal medication, alcohol consumption and some other things pertaining to my pregnancy

While having that chat about the do's and don'ts in a pregnancy with Hailey it hit me I'm really pregnant. I have a baby growing inside of me. Damn that sounds so weird

"You're gonna have to tell him" I groaned. I would never keep something like this a secret from Angelo he deserves to know his going to be a father. Even though he might not want a child right now.

I don't want a child now but I could never have an abortion. I would never be able to live with myself after something like that

"I know. I should have never had sex with him the second time, gosh I'm so stupid" we arrived at the apartment complex

"Second time, what second time!?" After I shot her a glare she knew not to pry any further

I went to sleep last night with a heavy meal and some ice cream. I was woken up by an excited Brie

"Come on baby mama time to tell daddy about his baby" I groaned

After being forced out of the house with a big breakfast compliments Brie I was in the lobby of Ambrosi Enterprises once again but this time with Brie and I hand in hand. I walked passed the blonde  flipping her the finger then hearing her gasp, Brie chuckled at my action

When we got the the 50th floor I greeted Kimberley with a sweet smile and so did Brie. Without knocking we barged into Angelo's office and regretted immediately. There was an older version of Angelo in the room, Mr. Dante Ambrosi, sitting next to Angelo. The only difference between the two was that the older version of Angelo, Dante, had blue eyes while Angelo had grey eyes

"Oh, um sorry we didn't know you had company" Mr. Ambrosi smiled brightly at me

"Andrea, darling you're like family its no problem. Who's your friend?" he pointed at Brie. I quickly removed my hand from hers not wanting anything to be weird

"This is Brie Levine, my best friend since high school" Brie waved with a smile

"Hey Andrea. Nice to meet you Brie, I've heard many things about you" Angelo said smoothly

"Oh God what did you tell him?" I elbowed her side making her wince

"So, what brings you here Drea?" Mr. Ambrosi got up, pulled out two chairs for Brie and I then sat back down.

"Um, actually sir we were hoping we could probably speak to your son, alone" I shifted uncomfortably in my seat

"We're all friends here, whatever you have to say to my son you can say to me" he gave a brittle smile and leaned back into his chair

I elbowed Brie who was drooling over Angelo maybe even his father, she snapped out of her trance. She opened her bag and took out a file which contains the pictures from the ultrasound and tests confirming the pregnancy, and passed them to Angelo as discretely as possible but his father still saw.

Angelo opened the file and his eyes went wide

"Are you sure?" I nodded my head

"Um, am I the only one you-"he paused remembering that his father was still in the room but I still nodded. He looked at Brie for confirmation and she also nodded

Dante looked completely lost in this situation. Before Angelo could put the file in his desk his father grabbed it quickly examined the contents of the file

Dante's eyes were ready to pop out of his head. He eyed me up then looked back at the file. He looked at Brie and I as if asking which one of us. Brie turned her head away and I looked Dante straight into his eyes which were filled with shock then anger

"Angelo, son-" Dante paused then placed his hand on Angelo's shoulder

"I'm going to kill you"


This is the fourth one right?, I don't know if I'm going to continue but enjoy



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