Chapter 9

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Angelo's Pov

After I gave Andrea directions to the bathroom I decided to go downstairs and mingle with some people.

"Angelo can I have a quick word with you?" Jamie grabbed my shoulder

We walked over to the bar, Jamie ordered a gin and tonic and I had a shot of vodka

"I know you don't like this arrangement, neither do I but this is not only for the good of the companies but for the good of your child and my niece" I nodded

"Some people consider you a playboy but you're not you're just a confused little boy, who is scared to love again"

"If wanted to talk trash about me you could have just-"

"Let me finish. I also though about what you would gain, I know about her, I know you loved her more than anything in the world. I want you to let Andrea make you forget about her start new again, regain the love you had before her, make it stronger. I know you'll take care of her, also have some patience with her she's a bit coward when it comes to love" he patted my shoulder and went to his wife

"Oh my god!" someone shouted from deep within the crowd

I pushed passes everyone while heading to the base of the stairs. I saw piece of Andrea's dress on the ground, my heart dropped

"Andrea!" I shoved the few people in front of me

My eyes fell upon Andrea, she was laying on the ground at the base of the steps on her back, some blood pooled under her, I felt myself get weak at the sight

"Andrea?" I muttered before passing out

Derek's Pov

As I watched the love of my life slowly bleed out I couldn't help but think about the good times we shared, is she really going to die?

When the smell of her blood hit me I felt bile rise in my throat, I could never handle the smell or sight of blood.

I may have been a dick to her but I truly love her, she's my world.

"Bitch deserved it" I glared at Eva

"Did you do this?" she smiled wickedly.

I grabbed her arm roughly, squeezing it tightly, ignoring her cries of pain.

I dragged her to the nearest room. I locked the door then pushed her onto the bed. I pulled my hand back and slapped Eva with all my might

"If she dies you die" I grabbed her hair roughly making her cry even more

"Your gonna pay for hurting her" I unbuckled my belt she was moving away from me but I jumped onto the bed and straddled her and held her hands over her head with one hand

"Please no, please" I smiled at her pathetic whines

"If you had kept your ex-boyfriend happy you wouldn't be in this situation" I kicked my pants off

"Now you're going to feel pain just like you made the love of my life feel pain"

Chris' Pov

I watched anxiously as the the EMTs took Andrea and Angelo to the hospital. I had to be there for my cousin but I need to also check on Andrea, then it clicked in my head. I took Andrea's bag from the stair and took out her phone

After two rings the phone was answered

"Hello?" Brie said sleepily

"Damn you sound sexy"

"Who the fuck is this, why do you have my best friend's phone. I swear to God if you hurt her I will hunt you down and cut you into-"

"I would love to hear about how you would mutilate me but we have bigger and more important things to deal with"

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