Chapter 15

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I made sure to book the next flight to England on Virgin Airlines which was conveniently at 5 am. Brie made some tea for Angelo and slipped some sleeping pills in it so he was out cold.

It was currently 3:30 and we were on our way to the airport

"How long will the pills last" she furrowed her eyebrows

"Pills?, I only gave him half a pill"


Angelo's Pov

I woke up around 3:40 am. Andrea's door was open so I went inside. Her bed was fixed, her electronics were missing. I went to her closet and most of her clothes were missing.

I saw Andrea's engagement on her bed, I swore under my breath and shoved it into my pocket

I went to Brie's room and it was in the same condition as Andrea's. I was completely confused, where did they go?. I glanced at Brie's wardrobe, there was a post card from England on it.

'I miss you sissy so much. You keep promising you and Andrea are going to come but you two never do. Next time I come to the US I'm dragging you two back to England with me. I'll marry Andrea and you can be our cat lady friend ^^. Come soon sissy, tell Andrea I'm waiting for her answer from my marriage proposal.

Love, Alex


Tell Andrea to wear the sexy underwear I like when she comes to England, she'll know which one'

Rage bubbled up inside of me. Could they have gone off to England?, I have to try and find out. I went into my car and called my friend Felix then began to drive to JFK

"This better be really good, Angie" Felix answered groggily

"I'm not in the mood right now, find out if there's a flight booked under the names Andrea Knight and Brie Levine" he groaned

"That's going to take forever, I have to got through all airlines and I don't have a time frame and to where"

"Ok then let's narrow it down. Um, it has to be in the next hour or two and going to England" I heard quick typing

"Still a lot of airlines" how the hell am I going to find out which airline she's on

"Let's try most popular airlines first"He muttered 'ok'

"Nothing on Jet Blue or AA" I could see the airport in the distance it was now 4:57

"Nothing on Air Europe, US Airways or Delta"

I parked near the airport, I was becoming agitated

"Have you tried Virgin Airlines?"

"Um here we go their flight leaves......right now"

"Shit" I rushed into the airport. I thanked God for me knowing so many people here, I found the director near the washrooms

"I need you to stop Virgin Airlines next flight" he cocked an eyebrow

"Felix what's the flight number"

"VS027" he said with a stuffed mouth

"Flight VS027" he shook his head

"Why?. Still plus I can't their boarding and I have no proper reason to"

"Well take me to it. I have to prevent someone from leaving please" he looked at me up and down

"Please its my fiancée" he nudged me ask if saying to follow him

When we got to terminal 4 Andrea was just about to enter the jet bridge

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