Chapter 5

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Brie and I are currently sitting outside of Angelo's office listening to Dante shout at Angelo. We couldn't hear everything but it was enough.

"You impregnated my business partner's only niece!. Do you want my business to go down in flames"

"Dad calm-"

"Don't tell me to calm down Angelo, you fucking messed up big time"

"Oh fuck" Brie muttered. I turned to her and she was pointing to the direction of the elevator. My uncle was walking towards us

"Hey.... uncle J, wh-what are you doing here?" I stood in front of the office door blocking his way

"Damn it Angelo, let me talk!"

"I came to have a chat with my business partner but it seems like he's having an interesting conversation with his son" he smiled, lifted me up, put me to the side and went into the office

"I still can't believe I got her pregnant, I'm not ready to be father and i'm sure Andrea isn't ready to be a mom" Angelo put his head in his hands

Jamie froze for a second the stormed up to Angelo and grabbed him by his collar

"Say that again" he grinded his teeth

"Um I-I" Angelo stuttered

"let's be civil here Jamie" Mr. Ambrosi pleaded with my uncle

"Did he or did he not impregnate my niece?" Jamie glared at Mr.stone who slowly nodded

"The deal's off. I'm pulling out my financial support and I expect to be paid back everything I put into his company" Jamie let go of Angelo letting him fall to the ground. I grabbed Jamie's wrist before he could leave he turned to face me with eyes cold

"Uncle J, let's think about this. I mean it takes two to tango, right?" he sighed and his glare softened at my plea

Once again we were outside the office but now joined by Angelo

"so, how far along are you" shifted awkwardly in his chair

"two months" I rested my hand on my flat belly

"we're gonna be parents" he stated

"I never expected this for sure, but there is no turning back now" there is one way but I would never abortion a child no matter what. I think it's a cruel and vile thing to do.

"I thought your reaction would be different" he raised his eyebrow

"Well, you're a playboy, and I use that word loosely, you've never had a serious relationship and you're only 27" he chuckled causing Brie to groan

"Even his chuckle is hot" Brie whispered into my ear fanning herself with her hand. I hit her arm playfully

"keep it in your pants" I muttered seriously

"I don't know how long I can hold it" we both laughed, her laughter was soon cut off. There was a man looking at us. He had black hair, chocolate brown eyes and a killer smile

"I never thought I would see you again" he looked at Brie who was scowling

" You two know each other?" I asked. Brie rolled her eyes and nodded

"This is Chris, he was my O.N.S" I raised my hand up and she gave me a high five

"We both got good catches last night" I whispered into her ear, she rolled her eyes

"What the hell are you doing here Chris?" Angelo pinched the bridge of his nose

"Can't I come visit you" Chris said in a baby voice

"So how do you know this jackass?" Brie pointed to a smug Chris

"That jackass is my cousin" Chris sat down next to me and put his arm around my shoulder causing Angelo to glare at him

"If you want to keep that arm I suggest you remove it from its current position right now" Angelo growled

"Oh, a special girl aye Angelo. She could not have been that good right?" Angelo got out of his seat, fists clenched, a murderous look plastered on his face

"Say something like that again I fucking dare you" Chris raised his eyebrow, an amused look on his face

"Mr Ambrosi, sir I have the documents you wanted" the blonde bitch from downstairs purred playfully touching Angelo's making him stiffen. I felt anger rise within me.

'When the hell did she get here!?" I have never hated anyone, besides Taylor Swift, in such a short span of time

"I asked for these files three hours ago!" what's her name flinched at Angelo's harsh tone

"I-I'm sorry sir its just-"

"Save it Lana I don't even know why I keep you around, you know what I don't want to see you for the rest of the day, go home" oh that's her name

"But sir-" she turned and walled away after seeing Angelo's facial expression

"And you still haven't laid that hoe off" Chris clicked his tongue and shook his head

"I have fucking had it with you" Angelo was about to lunge at Chris but I stood in front of him. My butt now positioned in front of Chris' face

"You have a really nice as-" a loud clap sound filled the room. Angelo smirked at the sight of Chris' red cheek, Brie was laughing and I was ready to slap him again just for fun and for pissing my baby daddy off, someone stop me please

"I guess I deserved that" Chris gritted his teeth, his hand caressed his red and slightly swollen cheek

"You fucking did deserve that you prick. Just like you deserved that kick to the balls I gave you last time we met" Brie cut in

"You all can come-" my uncle paused at the sight of my hand impression on Chris' face

"I'm not even going to ask" we all walked into the office after Jamie

"Who said you were allowed in here Chris?" Angelo crossed his arms over his chest, shooting dangers at Chris who just smiled cockily

"What happened to your cheek?" Dante asked pointing his pen towards Chris

"That she devil over there happened" Chris nodded at me, I smiled brightly

"Watch yourself boy" my uncle warned

Chris walked out of the office grumbling profanities in Spanish

"So we have came up with a solution that will solve this and some other problems we have" Jamie sat on Dante's desk

"We have a wedding" I furrowed my eyebrows and repeated what Jamie said

"Yes, a wedding" I glanced at Brie and Angelo. Brie looked full of excitement and Angelo looked as confused as I was

"Don't you guys get it" Brie laughed as we shook our heads

"You guys are gonna get married!" Brie squealed



Picture of Chris on the side

I officially stopped counting, have fun with this



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