Chapter 6

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"What the hell do you mean?" Angelo gritted his teeth

"You two get married have the baby and live happily ever after or whatever. We're not saying you get married now we're just saying you two should date" Mr. Ambrosi said casually

"I just got out of a bad wedding"

"So what?" Jamie shrugged his shoulders

"This is not fair I don't want to get married or have a serious relationship right now" Angelo whined

"Angelo for the first time in your life take responsibility for your mistakes" Dante pinched the bridge of his nose

"What about Eva?"

"What about her, you two haven't been together for two months"

"Who's Eva" Jamie and I said simultaneously

"My idiot son's ex girlfriend"

"On and off ex girlfriend" Angelo corrected

"If you two aren't together what's the problem" Angelo shook head dismissing his quarry

"What am I supposed to tell my mother?"

"Um, Angelo confessed his love for you after 3 years of being friends" Jamie shrugged his shoulders

"But uncle J they've never heard anything about Angelo from me"

"So, your mother doesn't need to know about everything in your life" I shook my head disapprovingly. Jamie would not be a good father

"Wait what other problem will this solve?" Angelo asked

"Well since I don't have any children I was going to sell my company after a few years but if you two get married i'll give you two my company" Angelo had a small smile on his face

"I don't know how to run a company, I'm a lawyer remember"

"You don't know how to run a company but my son does" I looked over to Brie for a suggestion but she was busy drooling over Angelo's father

I grabbed Brie's arm and dragged her out of the building into the car

"Talk to me Drea" Brie said for the umpteenth time during our drive home

"Why would they suggest this, they want me to lie to my mother, deceive my friends and worst of all marry someone I don't know" we pulled up to the drive way and Brie looked at me with an expression saying 'are you kidding me'

"Well they did say you don't have to marry him now, just date the guy and see where it goes. He doesn't seem that bad"

"I don't want to get involved with another guy right now" I mumbled

"I understand that but what's the worse that could happen" in a way she was right

I sighed leaving the car and going up to my room. Once I was there I dropped myself on my bed after removing all my clothing except my panties

"What is mama going to do honey?" I rubbed my belly before drifting off to sleep

I was woken up by someone shaking my shoulder

"Wake up Drea someone's here to see you" I opened my eyes to see a dressed up Brie leaning over me

"Who's here?" I yawned

"Put something some clothes, you'll see when you go downstairs" she walked out of my room

I sluggishly put on a tank top and shorts, feeling a little insecure. Walked into the living room and there Angelo was seated

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