Chapter 10

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I felt my head throbbing, I groaned as I opened my eyes. My eyes took a while to adjust to the light. I looked around, why was I in a hospital room?

A cute redheaded fair skin guy, who I guessed was a doctor walked into the room

"You're awake, great. How do you feel" he took his stethoscope and placed it on my chest

"I'm really tired and my head-is my baby ok?"

"Your babies are fine" I sighed in relief

"Wait babies" he smiled

"Your having twins. Congratula-" the door was flung open revealing my uncle and aunt

"You had me so worried, princess" he pushed past the doctor and sat on the side of the bed

"You nearly scared Angelo to death" Jamie smoothed my hair down

"Is he ok" panicked began to rise

"He should be fine, he took a nasty hit to the head when he fainted" I raised an eyebrow

"I don't know why he fainted he just did after seeing you laying on the floor" I nodded it seemed like I was missing something, what was it.

Jamie's Pov

After having a chat with the doctor i made my way to Angelo's room.

Opening the door ignoring the nurses protests I saw Chris and Brie standing in front of Angelo's bed

"How's Andrea?" Angelo, Brie and Chris said simultaneously

"She going to be fine, just a fractured radius and a dislocated shoulder" I sat on a near by chair, pulling my wife Antoinette onto my lap

"Is my baby alright?" I gave a weak smile and my wife kissed my cheek

"The baby's-"

"I finally made it" Dante and his wife Christina

"My poor baby" Christina rushed over to Angelo, pushed his head to her breast and kissed his head

"Are you ok honey?" Christina baby talked Angelo sitting next to him in bed. Dante stood next to me and did not look amused

"Why does she always baby him and never me?" my wife held in a laugh

"Is Andrea ok?" Christina asked as she tenderly rocked Angelo. Angelo looked like he was loving all the attention from his mother, talk about mama's boy

"Andrea's fine and so are the babies" Angelo shot up from his mother's embrace

"Did you just say babies" my wife nodded for me. Angelo dropped himself back into his mother's hold saying 'oh God'

"No one ever told you to impregnate her" my wife scoffed in a whisper

"Come on guys lets get out of here Angelo and Andre need their rest" Antoinette stood up from my lap

While we were heading to the door we hear a slap, we all sighed. Brie rushed passed us, out the door. We all turned to face Chris who had a very red cheek. He raised his hand and opened his mouth like he was going to speak

"We don't want to know" we all said together and walked out. Christina pushing Chris out of the room

Angelo's Pov

Chris is seriously an idiot. Why would he even tell Brie that. I knew I could be bad at talking to women sometimes but shit how could he call her a disposable toy. Some men have no morals

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