Chapter 22

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I was driving on my way home and caught a glimpse of a new pet store. I decided it was time to get a new friend.

Opening the pet shop door the smell of dog food and air freshener hit my nose. It was a cut pet shop with aqua colored wall, white tile floors and paintings of animals all around

"Hi. My names Sadie how may I help you" a woman in her Thirty's walked up to me

"I'm looking for a dog"

"Anything in particular"

"The dog must be hypoallergenic, medium sized, short fur or long fur it doesn't matter and fairly chill" she bit her lip in thought

"I have the perfect guy. We found him under a bridge near by. He was tiny and sickly, and he's just about five months old" I said 'awe'

She led me to the back where there were dogs of all sizes from Chihuahua's to Great Danes.

"Here he is. He's an American Eskimo" she opened a fairly small cage and pulled out the cutest dog I've ever seen

"Oh my gosh he's perfect" he was a white and black haired dog

"What's his name"

"He hasn't gotten a name yet" I stared at him

"I'll take him" I held him close to my chest

I took out the dog crate and a bag of dog food and other doggie essentials from my car.

I dropped the dog food on the counter and rested the cage on the floor of Angelo's penthouse

"Come on out Edge this is your new home, kind of" I opened the dog crate and Edge came out timidly

I took the three dog bowels out of the bag, I put food in one and water in the other two. I placed the food bowl and one water bowl in the kitchen and the other upstairs in the master bathroom

"Come here Edge" he stumbled up the stairs making me chuckle. I placed a blue and black collar around his neck, it had a tag in the shape of a bone saying Edge and it also had my number on it

The scent of something fresh hit my nose, I looked down the stairs and I saw a small puddle at the bottom of the stairs

"Oh boy"

Angelo's Pov

I had finally finished my work and I was on my way home. After Andrea and I have returned nothing has been the same


I opened the door to Alex's apartment nervously.

What if she chose the other guy?

Will she hate me, does she hate me?

Millions of questions were forming in my head and none of them were leading anywhere good

I took a deep breath before opening Andrea's door. She was out on the balcony her back facing me

"Hey" she turned quickly to face me

"Hi" she bit her lip. She looked worn out and stressed I hate seeing her like that it ticked me off even more knowing I'm the one causing her to be that way

"You don't have to answer-"

"I'll go with you. My bags are packed already. When are we leaving?" I sighed deeply feeling defeated

End of flashback

I can't lie and say I'm not a bit upset but I understand where she's coming from

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