Chapter 27

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I go up from the bed yawning, I really had to pee. I got to the bathroom and relieved my bladder. Something wasn't right, I shrugged it off, brushed my teeth and went back to bed.

I got up once again at 12:56 p.m., this is a perk of being pregnant, I get to sleep as much as I want to and no one would disturb me. I turned to throw my leg over Angelo but he wasn't there which was strange he usually stayed in bed until I woke up. Feeling thirsty I drank the glass of water that was near the bed

"Angelo. Babe" I slowly got up from bed and headed to the kitchen

I looked around the kitchen and he was nowhere to be seen

"Angelo this isn't funny where are you?" I turned to go back upstairs and came face to face with Derek

"What the hell are you doing here?" he smiled

"I came to claim what is mine" suddenly I began feeling dizzy and slowly everything went dark

Angelo's Pov

I slowly slipped out of bed not wanting to disturb Andrea. I took a shower then got back into bed. After and hour of American Horror Story I decided to get something to eat.

I made french toast and bacon which I know Andrea will love.

"French toast is her favourite" I turned to the backdoor to see Derek

"How the hell did you get in here?" I set down the plate of food on the counter

"Temper Angelo, is that anyway to talk to your wife's future lover" I clenched my fists tightly

"You have five seconds to get out of here" he smiled. I felt something jab into my neck, Eva was to my left with a syringe in her hand

"Don't worry baby, it's all going to be alright" she kissed my cheek as everything went black

Tiffany's POV

'Oh God' I thought what am I doing here. I need to come up with a plan and fast. I'm to not going to sit back and watch to two psychopaths hurt my sister.

A plan popped up into my head, I had to act on it fast. I was finish the last details on my plan when I heard a door open and slam shut. I got off of the chair that I was standing on and sat on the floor with my phone in hand

"Tiff. We're back!" Eva shouted

Eva came in dragging my sister's body behind her.

"What are you staring at?, come help me" We placed her on the couch

"Is she dead" My voice trembled and Eva scoffed

"I wish, our baby daddy wouldn't let me touch a hair on her precious head" she folded her arms across her chest

"So what exactly are we going to do" she smiled

"First we get rid of that baby, then we make both of them believe the other is going to die if they don't do what we want"

"That seems kind of cliche doesn't it?" Eva shrugged

"Those two are so gaga for each other they will do anything to make sure the other is ok, so i'm sure everything will work out fine" Andrea groaned

"Come help me tie her up" I sighed and did what she told me to

Angelo was now tied to the chair in the living room and Andrea was tied to Derek's bed upstairs, his orders, the sick pervert.

"Ugh" Angelo struggled to open his eyes

"Don't strain yourself baby. I need you in good shape" Eva knelt next to Angelo

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