Death follows

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Pov Sophia: 

Today has been absolutely crazy and everyone at the school has been stressed or scared. I've been most stressed about the fact that Josie has turned dark. The Josie who's going to merge with her own sister is also the sweetest girl to walk this earth. Two weeks ago she wouldn't even be able to kill a fly and now, now she's killed Alyssa who turned out to be brought back to life. 

I had watched on as Hope took on Josie and she was loosing badly, but luckily for her Lizzie showed just in time to help her. Lizzie agreed to do the merge, but not without making sure we all got out safely.

So here I am now making my way to Alexia's room as I haven't seen her since earlier today. I would have expected to see her with Hope, but strangely enough she wasn't at the gym at all. 

When I open the door I see her laying on the ground. I drop to my knees next to her and turn her body around, feeling for her pulse except that it's not there. Her lifeless body lays in my arms and I can only think about who would do this. Who would want to kill Ale.

At this point I'm sobbing, not wanting to believe this is real, it can't be. I just got her back and I'm not ready to lose her again, it's not fair.   


I barge into dr.saltzmans office with tears still streaming down my face. "Sophia, what happened?" He asked out of concern as he got up. with us in the room were Mg, Lizzie and kaleb. "Alexia, she's...She's gone... Someone killed her." 

"Where is she?"He asks me.

"She's in her room."

He and the others follow me as I lead them to her room. As I open the door for them they all gasp. "Oh Alexia." Dr.saltzman let's out as he goes over to her. "Do you know who's done this?"

"No, no I found her like this... What even happened to her?" dr.saltzman starts looking for injuries, something I probably should have done myself but didn't think to do in the moment. "Someone snapped her neck..." There was a silence in the room, none of us knowing what to say about this new information. 

"Uhmm, you guys, she deserves a proper burial, which she will get as soon as we resolve our other problem." He sighs taking a moment to look at us. "No one can know about this, we don't need to cause more chaos."

"More chaos? My sister is dead! There's a murderer walking around somewhere in this school!" I yell at him. I get that his daughter is always his top priority but someone just killed my sister, that someone still being out there. "And i'll do everything I can to fix this."

"You can't fix this, you can't bring a dead girl back!" I leave the room before I let it get worse. I'm sure Alexia wouldn't want me to fight over this, she always hated it when things got physical. I always knew she had issues with her anger and each time she would pick a fight she regretted it afterwards. I used to hear her cry in her room at night, but I was always too proud to check in with her. I wish I would've checked in on her today, I could've done something.

How did everything go soo wrong within 24 hours. We lost Alexia, Hope and Josie all in one day and one of them might never come back. 


After Lizzie's funeral dr.saltzman pulled me aside and told me to follow him into his office. I did as I was told and am now stood in front of him and Rafael. "As promised we have been looking for ways to get Alexia back and we might just have found a way to do that."

"Please, do tell me about your plan."

"I have made a deal with the necromancer. The black magic in exchange for the lives of the students and their freedom."

"Well what are we still waiting for? Let's get this thing going shall we."

"We will as soon as Liz-" He gets cut off by the door opening. Lizzie came in with Mg by her side. "Well? Where's this necromancer?" She asked him. "Right, let's get this thing going." Dr.saltzman walks us to what I assume is the necromancers hide out. "The students for the magic..."

I stand to the side as I watch them draw on the ground before placing Josie into the circle they drew. Lizzie starts to do some sort of spell sucking the magic out off Josie and putting it into the necromancer. After the spell ended the room goes dark and the necromancer laughs. 


"Now bring them back to life."

"As you wish."

The three of us made our way back to the school and the first thing we saw was Alyssa Chang walking the halls as if she owned them. I look at the saltzmans for a second before taking of to Landons room. If Alyssa is back that means Ale and Landon are too. 

As I rush into the room I see Rafael sitting next to a still lifeless Landon. I shake my head looking over to the other bed that has Alexia on it, she's not back, why isnt she back. I sit down on the bed and hold her hand, I sit waiting for her to wake up but nothing.

"You you said the magic for their lives, so why isn't she back yet!?" I shout at Alaric who seems just as lost as I am when he walks in.. "We had a deal."

"She's still dead!"

"That's not our only problem, Hope's not back either."

"Screw Hope... Alexia is dead!"

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