I don't wanna hate you

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Pov Alexia: 

"You really aren't gonna leave my side again are you?" I ask Aaron who has been attached to my hip ever since I met him. Not that i'd really like the idea of him being out there and able to kill again. 

"Got nowhere to be so why not."

 "It's never to late to build a home, Start a family and make memories that you'll never forget." That's everything that I want. I wanna do all that with Hope even if I know having kids isn't possible for me. I just want to spend the rest of my life loving her.

"Where would you go?"

"New Orleans, it's home in some ways. It holds memories that are very important to me and i'd like to return there one day."

"But mum is here in mystic falls? You grew up here?" He asked me confusing all writen over his face.

"I spend some time away from home and met a wonderful man who helped me find a purpose in life." Talking about Niklaus brought back the thought of Hope. I have yet to tell her about it, she deserves to know, but i'm a bit afraid of her reaction. Me seeing her dad as a father figure. I don't want her to be upset with me about it, because her dad wasn't with her at the time. "The world must be small, because today i'm dating his daughter."

"Klaus Mikaelson? You mean to tell me that the hybrid who killed thousands is a good man?" He said chuckling. 

"He's not quite as bad as people make him out to be. He might have been a bit annoying and a bit murder- ish, but he had a soft spot in his heart. He would burn this world down for the people he loved."

"Our dad would've burned the world down too." He said laughing making me laugh with him. "Different reasoning, honey." I say. 

"I would let the world burn for you." He said and our eyes lock. His eyes softened as they were all cold before. "Would you let it burn for me?" He questioned me but I wouldn't. 

I shook my head slightly. "No. I would never hurt others, because we're not better than they are so they deserve to live just as much as we do." I lied to him. I would, just not for him. I'd burn the world down for Hope, i'd do anything for her. 

"The worlds cruel, it's time you start to see that." He turns the other way and I go after him not liking the sound of it. "What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Finding our next target... I told you i'll keep killing till you give me mother."

"What are you gonna do after you kill her? Go on to others when you get bored again?"

"Darling, you have such little faith in me. I made you a deal, remember? I'm a man of my word." 

So it's either my mother or who knows how many he'll kill. He looks at me with a big smirk on his face before he points across the street. "See that little girl? She's perfect." The girl couldn't be much older than nine, this is ridiculous. 

"Fine, just don't hurt her, i'll take you to mum."

"So that's your soft spot, children?"

"No, Aaron, it's called having a heart." I say before walking ahead of him. I couldn't even look him anymore. I want to see the good in him and I do believe he can be helped, but only if he lets me. 

Pov Hope: 

After we found out he'd be going after Ale's mother we got her adress from Sophia. I'm not sure what we'll see when we get there. I mean it could be a murder scene and it could be nothing because Alexia didn't tell him anything. But how much could she take before she breaks. 

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