chapter 29 - relaxation

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Dylan sat next on the couch beside Neil, who looked dejected. Whenever he got really drained like this, he was usually dead silent and pretty reclusive. The rumors really got to him, and Dylan wanted to help in any way he could. While Dylan thought of a way to lift his boyfriend's mood, even a little bit. Suddenly, the boyfriend in question rested his head on Dylan's shoulder, making him smile and wrap his arm around neil's shoulders as the gears in his head kept turning until he finally got an idea. Mom had gone into work about 20 minutes ago and uncle was busy at meetings so no one would be around to question anything.

"hey angel food cake, mind walking with me for a sec?" he smiled as his tail started wagging.

"what are you planning?"

"You'll see, just work with me for a little," the cocker spaniel grinned as he dragged neil into his bedroom and let go of his hand before sitting on his bed and lifting away a corner of the blankets to reveal the bedsheet before he tucked his legs under the blanket and laying on his back. Neil looked confused as he walked up to him and sat next to him.

"C'mon, lay on top of me!" dylan smiled again, patting his stomach.

"How is that supposed to help?" the American shorthair asked as he stretched his back out. Suddenly, the pair heard a series of pops. Dylan sat up as they both laughed in shock.

"What the hell, is your back ok?!" dylan exclaimed as neil stretched out his tail. That ended up cracking a ton, too.

"Y'know that... that actually fixed my back pain. But seriously, how is lying on you supposed to help me?" neil chuckled.

"It's supposed to help you relaaaaaax~ you like getting cuddles and this is cuddles to the max!" dylan smiled as he pulled neil down with him.

"Aw, you know me too well!" neil cooed before getting comfortable on top of his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around the cocker spaniel's neck and tucking his calves under his knees while his head was snuggled into his chest fur. Dylan giggled at the american shorthair as he pulled the blanket over the both of them before gently running his claws up and down his back. Neil started purring and fell asleep within minutes. Dylan closed his eyes and listened to his boyfriend purr, ready to fall asleep himself before he suddenly got a call. He glared at his phone, angry that someone would dare to interrupt his quality time with neil. He silenced his phone and let it ring. It stopped before ringing again. He sighed as he put in an earbud and answered the call; it was kai.

"Hey, is nini with you? He's not answering his phone."

"his phone is in the living room and he's asleep, so I'm gonna have to be quiet."

"oh, it's ok. i can call him later, unless you can answer for him."

"depends, what is it?"

"did neil ever tell you his full side of the locker incident?"

"why do you wanna know?"

"so i can spare myself from getting in trouble with my pastor... and my parents... who are both in front of me and you're on speaker, so be careful what you say."

"What did you do?"

"I'll explain later, just please give me Neil's side of the story!"

"Ok. According to him, he was changing to go to 6th period, 'business as usual,' to quote him directly. once he was done, he went to leave when he saw an eagle owl snickering to himself with his phone in his wing. he tried to catch him because he started running as soon as neil turned around. they got a little physical until the eagle owl shoved him into a wall and hurt his back," Dylan recounted, all the while, neil's chest was softly vibrating from his purring. There was a moment of silence.

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