Pain and Fatherhood

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~~~CHAPTER 3~~~

TW:pregnancy, bombs

Valiaun stared into Lumi's eyes before his hand went to cup her face. Those beautiful emerald green eyes... Valiaun didn't know what was with the color green however whenever he saw it, he felt a feeling of comfort and warmth in his body almost like a tight hug and a quiet whisper telling him everything was going to be alright.

Lumi pressed a gentle kiss to Valiaun's cheek when suddenly the front door opened, valiaun almost reached for his gun on instinct but Lumi firmly held his arm in place as a soft voice entered the room, like thick hunny the voice was sweet and golden. Valiaun slowly removed his hand from the holster as a larger woman walked up to the two of them "Lumiana my baby girl!" The woman cooed hugging Lumi gently before turning to Valiaun "Oh? You must be Valiaun!" She chirped, her eyes were a soft shade of hazel and sparkled exactly like Lumi's did. 

The woman was short however she was ever so slightly taller than Lumi, her figure was larger than average but she looked kind. The woman smiled and reached out her hand to Valiaun "My name is Andrea Müller and this is my husband Chris!" She gestured to the man standing beside her. The man offered a slight nod. Valiaun was hesitant but he shook the woman's hand. Her hand was soft and felt tender against his skin. "You..would be correct. valiaun. You must be...Lumi's parents?" As Valiaun asked, he stood tall not wanting to appear weak in front of them despite just having been caught in a moment of tenderness with their daughter.

"We are indeed, young man" the man responded, not taking his eyes off of Val. Val, panicking in his head waited to be yelled or screamed at for being with their daughter however instead of doing that, Andrea hugged Valiaun tightly. She wrapped her arms around him almost crying into his shirt. Valiaun's eyes went wide and he stiffened, he had expected many reactions but this was not one of them. Nobody except Lumi had ever hugged him besides the awkward side hugs he had received from strucker so this was a new experience. "Thank you for taking care of our daughter, valiaun.." she whispered and Valiaun glanced over to Lumi wondering what lies she had told them. Valiaun knew he didn't do that much for Lumi besides helping her out with bills and well..being her partner but it seemed as if this woman thought he was a Saint..he knew lumi didn't tell them the truth so he simply offered the woman a smile. "I...didn't do much ma'am..really" he tried to explain but she shook her head "You helped our baby through rough times and we can't thank you enough" She smiled looking up at Valiaun.. "and well you are also the father of our future grand babies." With that a blush spread across Lumi's face as she gently put her hand on Andrea's shoulder 

"okayyy mamma Val doesn't really like to be touched I think you're making him uncomfortable!" She urged her mother to release Val. Valiaun let out a quiet sigh of relief as he could finally breathe again. Chris chuckled a bit "Excuse my wife, she has just been dying to meet you, son." Chris' voice was smooth and deep, he was a properly dressed man, his beard was long but cut sharply, his eyes were emerald green, Valiaun found himself smiling slightly. "Oh please come join us for dinner Valiaun!" Andrea pleaded with him and Valiaun gave a concerned look. He looked down at his watch noting the time. "I have an hour but then I have to go," he said firmly and Lumi's eyes glinted, Normally Valiaun would stay for 2 hours..perhaps he was busy today.

 Nonetheless, Andrea smiled "Wonderful! I was actually just calling Lumi to eat! We can get you a plate" she chirped happily before walking to the kitchen with Chris. Lumi gave Valiaun a slight smile before grabbing his hand and leading him to the kitchen.

Months pass and Valiaun gets more used to the idea of being a father. He would do anything for Lumi and if she needed his help to raise children how hard could it be? After all his father raised him to be..a decent man. father...he wasn't actually a father. no, Valiaun had met Lumi's parents, but Strucker had never treated him with such compassion. It made him long for a connection like that to his father but he knew that could never happen.

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