CHAPTER 5 ●fear zone●

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Tiniest little au change...
Joel, Pearl and grian are all "Siblings"

Pearl and grian are actually Siblings and grew up together at birth.
Joel was later adopted at the age of 8 when Pearl was 10 and grian was 7.

You'll come to learn more about why Joel was even up for adoption later lmao.


Joel was last to walk out of the room. He was still confused and even a little panicked by being a target. He didn't want nor need that, so he needed to ask Pearl what she knew.

He looked around for her, mumbling words of panic but she was no where to be found.

"Uh you ok there joel?" He heard someone say next to him. The voice familiar. He turned to see etho looking at him with amusement but also confusion.

'Why is this stupid guy always around me? Is he obsessed or something..?' Joel thought.

"I'm fine, just... suff. Do you know where Pearl is actually!? I realllyyyyyy need to talk to her" Joel brought up, a bit of hope in his eyes.
"Nope, can't you text her?"  Etho asked as if it was that easy.

Joel pouted, feeling at loss.
"She changed her number a few days ago and I don't have it yet.. I just have her old useless one. I can't fucking believe this" he ranted, pacing around in the middle of the long hallway. Etho only stared as joel mumbled things that he couldn't hear.

"Joel, you gotta calm down. Your freaking me out- plus why are you even freaking out actually?" Etho eventually asked, tired of Joel's ranting and panic.

"Calm down?! I can't just calm down you dumbass?!!" Joel yelled, stopped dead in his  tracks.
"Listen, I think I'm the next target for the watchers.. Pearl and grian kept eyeing me weirdly and been extremely clingy. They've  even just started taking about them and their own experiences, which they never do!!!" Joel suddenly started just venting to etho, giving up on his pacing and instead pulling at his hair.

"Is that bad? I mean.. I don't know much about them but are you sure your not overthinking this..?" Etho asked, a little bit unsure of Joel's behavior being rational and a bit dramatic..
"IM NOT OVERTHINKING ANYTHING!" He yelled, causing etho to step back in shock

"Look.. im- sorry.. it's just.. the watchers aren't good people. They're horrible and have done things to my siblings, etho. They tortured them and tested on them for their own good! They target the ones who have the most severe curses in the stupid battles. Like yknow jimmy? He's a listener but the watchers occasionally took him out just for testing and shit due to his canary curse..!"

Etho was speechless. He knew about the curses, but never knew the watchers had anything to do with them. Some of his friends curses weren't as known or bad, but others had quite obvious ones and severe ones.. Etho knew his curse to heart. He was a guardian angel to people, always feeling the need to protect his teammates. This curse had its faults in the end unfortunately, leading to ethos demise and damage done to him.

He'd protect anyone he could. He hated it sometimes but he pushed himself through it. Only his friends bdubs and cleo knew this though, they're his closest friends and he knew he could trust them at all costs. But why was joel mentioning all this curse stuff?..

"Joel.. why are you mentioning this? I don't think this has anything to do with you. You shouldn't overthink it, you'll end up hurting yourself." Etho tried to explain, but Joel's temper seemed to not allow it.

"YOU DON'T GET IT ETHO!! THEYRE BASICALLY WARNING ME OF THEM! What's even my curse!? I'm not cursed im normal! I'm fine I'm not insane or anything- I'm fine!!" Joel yelled, pulling at his hair to try and manage his anger. Joel knew about his anger issue's, but etho didn't. And Joel's goal was to keep it that way but so far he's failing.  

Etho was a bit taken back from this, he didn't know how to respond. But he could understand Joel, even though he still thought Joel was being a bit dramatic and overthinking this. But then again seems like he should not be told that in this state.

Joel didn't even notice the tears streaming down his cheeks. Why was he crying? God knows honestly. His pent up anger mixed with fear making him a mess. He couldnt understand why he even was freaking out. 'What is wrong with me?..' he thought. Glaring at the maroon carpet beneath him. He never cried.. why was he all of a sudden such a crybaby over such a stupid situation.

Joel heard a few steps from next to him, thinking etho just walked away. But instead he found the tall white haired male infront of him, gently pulling his hands to his sides. Even with the mask hiding his face, etho seemed a bit upset with Joel, most likely his horrible ways of dealing with his emotions. Suddenly, etho pulled Joel into a hug. Joel was shocked at first, but melted eventually and hugged back tightly, crying silently onto ethos chest.

Etho rested his chin on Joel's shoulder, patting his back to hopefully soothe him.
"Shh, it's ok.. I'm sorry for not understanding" etho whispered, joel digging his nails (claws) into ethos back accidentally. Etho didn't even flinch, just stood with joel. Eventually though, joel pulled away, wiping his eyes with his sleeve. He didn't look up at etho, embarrassed from his outburst.

"Thank you.. I'm sorry for freaking out" he mumbled, suddenly realizing how weird they probably looked and blushed.
Etho smiled down at him, patting his shoulder. "Its no big deal, let's talk to pearl tomorrow instead and head back to the room. I think you need some time to rest" etho suggested, stepping back.

Joel nodded, walking by ethos side to their shared room once again.

He needed to ask what pearl knew, and if she couldn't say.. he'd have to ask the watchers himself.


and obv have some fluff with a smidgen of angst cus I luv angst.
Be prepared for the future angst btw lmao.

Hope this chapter is good, and if you guys have any chapter recommendations I'll always take them and mix them to the them of this book :D

Anyway, see you in the next chapter <3333
-words: 1046

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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