Anger & Sadness

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Meanwhile in The Demon Realm, the king and queen were panicking, their third child has gone missing and on top of that Illumi can't find his Portal Key.

The Realm was a lot gloomier than usual, it was just a black void with lots of miserable souls floating all over the place, quite depressing.

Illumi was summoned to the throne room where his father and mother always sat. Queen Kikyo and King Silva.

"You have summoned me father" Illumi's voice echoed the massive room as the big doors closed behind him, he went down on one knee and bowed in front of his parents. 

"Where's Killua?" His father's voice boomed loudly with a hint of worry and anger.

"I'm not sure father, but I think he's the reason my portal key is missing" Illumi said.

"He took it without you noticing? Hah!" Silva scoffed.

"Forgive me father, I was cleaning out Alluka's room and-"

"WE DO NOT SPEAK THAT NAME IN OUR PALACE ANYMORE! Do you understand?" His father screamed.

"Dear, take a breath" Kikyo said in a calm manner and set her husband down back on his throne.

"Illumi" his mother's voice spoke calmly yet strictly.

"I would like you to go find your brother, that poor Kilu must be starving right now, since he refuses to eat humans, you can borrow my key, I will send Kalluto to do the hunting whilst your gone. Is that clear?"

"Yes mother, thank you mother" Illumi said and got up and made eye contact with his mother.

"You know what will happen if you don't bring him back won't you?" Kikyo's voice slithered through Illumi's ears as he was walking out the door.

Illumi freezes and nods and closes the door behind him.

"How dare Kil rebels! If he doesn't come back we will be-"

"Honey calm down. He will come back.....he's my son after all...."

~Meanwhile in the Earth Realm~

Gon was running around frantically, his aunt Mito just came back from work and has heard about the mysterious boy Gon found in the woods, who was currently having a fever, and was shaking uncontrollably.

"Gon! Here take this medicine and towel up! I will come in a minute !" Aunt Mito said as she handed Gon some medicine and Gon rushed up stairs.

As Gon came to, he saw Killua thrashing about and kicking off the blanket, and sweating so much, and whining.

"Here take this!" Gon places the wet flannel over Killua's forehead to cool him off and shoves the medicine down his throat and Killua gagged but calmed down afterwards.

An hour later and everything seemed calmer, but Killua's temperature was still high, a little bit.

Gon thought, how do vampires get better? Do they even get sick? Well Killua is sick.

Gon watched Killua's chest rise up and down with his slow breathing. He's asleep.

Just then, Gon heard some mumbling noises from Killua.

"N-no....dont....take her..." he muttered. He then suddenly shot up, with his eyes wide and panting.

Gon rushed to his side and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Breathe Killua....breathe...." Gon said in a calm voice, and eventually Killua calmed down.

"W-what time is it?" Killua asked as he placed a hand on his forehead and ran his fingers through his hair.

Gon looked at the digital clock in his guess room.

"It's just past midnight, I couldn't sleep so I came to check on you and found you thrashing about and your temperature was high"

"I was sick?" Killua questioned.

"You never get sick?" Gon titled his head.

"No....its probably because I had a pretty dark nightmare about..." Killua was trying not to cry as he spoke.

"Don't worry, you don't have to say anything" Gon hesitantly wrapped his arms around Killua and Killua returned the gesture, he didn't wanna admit it out loud, but he needed a hug , after everything that's happened.

Sooner or later , aunt Mito came in with some cooked meat and meat soup, not the best soup for when you're sick, but she knows he's a vampire after what Gon told her, but she didn't mind Killua, not one bit.

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