Root to Fruit

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The season is coming upon us, it's time to clone mother Mary,
I'll plant her identical counterparts despite earth contrary,
I grant them safe haven indoors to acclimate their roots,
Meanwhile I prepare a hidden spot to avoid future disputes,

I gather large containers, bags of top soil and manure,
This is the labour unseen behind your THC cure,
Come first week of June her kids are ready for transplantation,
My excitement grows tenfold over this very occasion,

Because I know I've worked hard to give them the best start,
Dancing with Miss Mary Jane is most definitely an art,
Now for the next twenty weeks I water and sing to the children,
I care for them kindly hoping not to accidentally kill one,

By the time August rolls around the girls are starting to flower,
This is when my downright giddiness grows by the hour,
For I know as time passes approaching Harvest Moon,
The giant buds circadian rhythms synchronize with solar tune,

Finally it's time, Hunters Moon is in full effect,
I pull out my Swede saw and detach each and every subject,
I hang them in the barn as I dread the final chore,
The clipping of unwanted leaves so they're practical to store,

If you skip this step your precious product will mould as it dries,
Believe you me this would bring tears to your eyes,
I've made this very mistake before in the past,
But in your heart you want this waltz with Mary to last,

So you live and learn every year, writing down learning points,
So you and your friends never get sick of lighting joints,
Or shake to vape, bong or stuff into a corn cob pipe,
The trick is picking Mary Jane when she is perfectly ripe.

~ Farls Tokley

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