Imagine # 141

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You are with Bailey, heading to your hometown for the holidays and he is close to shaking in the seat next to you. You put your leg over his and gently grab his hand. You slowly run your thumb over his, and tell him "Relax Bails, they are gonna love you, I promise." He smiles weakly at you and says "I really hope so, Darlin'." You kiss him and say "They will, trust me." You guys grab your carry ons and head to baggage claim to get your suitcases, before walking hand-in-hand to the exit and waiting for your parents to arrive to pick you guys up. When they arrive, you quickly hug them and introduce Bailey to them. Before they start to put your stuff in the trunk and Bailey insists on helping them. Once it's all in the car, he joins you in the backseat and wraps an arm around you. You two end up falling asleep in the car and wake up, once you guys arrive at your parent's house. You guys walk into the house and get greeted by your parent's dog, who quickly became Bailey's buddy and shadow. You tell Bailey that he is staying in the extra room and that you are staying in your room, as per the rules that your parents told you, before you got on the plane. Bailey tried to convince you with his puppy eyes, that he would be good and not try anything, if you let him stay with you. You told him, that it was out of your hands and he grabbed your waist and pulled you close, while saying softly in your ear, "I bet, that I can change your mind about it, in a matter of minutes."
You smirk at him and say "You can try all you want, but it's not up to me, Bails."
He decides to take matters into his own hands and says "How about we watch a movie in my room and then when you get tired, you can go to your room and get some sleep?" You agree and you guys end up falling asleep in his room for a bit, until you wake up and decide to go back to your room. When you wake up later on, Bailey is laying on your bed, playing with your hair and he smiles at you, when he realizes that you are awake. You ask him, "What are you doing in here? Don't tell me that you snuck in here after I left your room, Bails." He says, while still smiling at you "I'm waiting for my beautiful girlfriend to wake up so she can enjoy her day and introduce me to the rest of her family. I just walked in here fifteen minutes ago, I swear Darlin'." You kiss him softly and say "Be careful what you ask for Bails, remember that you asked to meet them."  He laughs at your statement and lets you get ready for the day.

He was really nervous to meet the rest of your family. On the drive over to your Uncle's house, he was close to shaking again, so you put your leg over his once more. When you arrive, he grabs your hand softly after opening your door. He takes a deep breath and walks with you to the front door. You both walk in and are surrounded by your entire extended family, who are asking all kinds of questions. You quickly answer them and introduce them to Bailey, who is standing like a statute next to you. He ends up getting along with your family and they tell you all the time, even in front of him, that he is the best guy that you have ever brought home. This causes him to smirk at the statement and pull you closer to his chest. He whispers in your ear "I better be, I hope that I'm the only one from here on out, Darlin'." You smile at him and say "You are and always will be, Bails." You two kiss quickly before going back to hanging out with your family.  

Bailey Zimmerman ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now