Imagine # 144

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You and Bailey had a bit to drink before you got an Uber back home. Bailey being his normal goofy yet flirty self tried to put his arms around your waist, but he ended up just putting his arms around the headrest that was between you two instead. When he opened the door for you, when the Uber got to the bar, he accidentally hit you in the head with the door. You both laughed about it and he gave you a quick kiss where the door hit you. He made sure to apologize to you all the way home and even as you both walked back in the door from the bar. You both stagger into the living room and you grab a blanket, remembering the exchange that you two had earlier.

(Flashback Y/N's POV)
You walked into the house and wanted to be left alone for a few minutes. Yet, Marley and Bailey wanted your attention at the same time. In a span of five minutes of you being home, Bailey started to show you a new recording from his time at the studio from earlier and Marley wanted you to play with her, at the same time. You listened to the recording and told Bailey "It sounds really good so far, Bails!" You gave him a quick kiss and then turn your attention to Marley who was nudging you in the thigh with her rope toy. You grab the part that kept hitting your thigh and say "Marley May, did your dad forget to play with you before I got home?" She just wags her tail and starts to tug on the toy a bit. You play with her a little bit before telling her, that you had to put your stuff away and get her some dinner.

Bailey followed you upstairs and said "Babe, you gotta see this post that one of the fans did about me and Marley!" You calmly said "In a minute, Bails. I'm just setting my stuff down up here and changing into some comfy clothes, before I get Marley some dinner." Bailey tried to wait, but he ended up walking into the room just as you were putting on your comfy pants and he showed you the post claiming that it would only take a minute for you to see it. He lost the post in the sea of his notifications and ended up finding it again after you had already walked downstairs to feed Marley. He showed it to you, as soon as you placed Marley's food bowl in front of her. You smiled at the post and said to him "Aww that is really sweet and cute, Bails." You walked over to the dishwasher and unloaded the clean dishes. Bailey was glued to his phone at this point and did not see that you had finished putting away the dishes that you could reach the shelves for. You ended up putting the ones that you could not reach to put away on the counter above the dishwasher to be put away by Bailey, later on. You walked over to the couch and take a seat. Once Bailey looked up from his phone for a few minutes and realized that you were gone from the kitchen, he walked into the living room and sat down next to you on the couch.

He wrapped his arms around you and started to ask how your day was, but stopped when he heard you sigh in annoyance at his question. He asked you "What was that sigh about?" and you said "It's nothing Bails, I swear." He questioned you further "That didn't sound like a nothing type of sigh to me, Darlin'." You took a deep breath and said "I just wanted some space when I got home earlier, but both you and Marley wanted my attention at the same time. I put some dishes on the counter because we both know that I can't reach some of the shelves in the cabinets. I had a rough day where everything was falling out of my hands and things were not working right at work even though they were working perfectly fine yesterday. How was you day, Bails?"

He didn't reply to your question and got up from the couch. He walked into the kitchen and you hear the sound of the dishes that you left on the counter being put away. He walks back into the living room and sits backdown in his original spot. He wrapped his arms around you once again and told you that he had a good day, before he turns on the tv. You tell him "You know, you didn't have to put those dishes away, right after I mentioned them to you, right?" He just kissed the top of your head and turned his attention back to the tv.

You lay your head on his chest and are about to fall asleep, when a notification pops up on your phone. You look at it and realize that you were supposed to meet some friends after work for some drinks with Bailey. You shoot up out of your seat and run upstairs to get ready. This quick action from you makes both Bailey and Marley jump and confuses them both a bit.

You rush into your bedroom and grab the first dress and pair of shoes that you can find. You apply a little bit of makeup and some perfume, before quickly fixing your hair in the bathroom mirror. Bailey walked upstairs and sat on the bed watching you rush to get ready and he chuckles at you swearing under your breath as stuff continues to fall out of your hands, but then quickly realizes why you are rushing to get ready and does the same thing, except he took even less time than you to get ready. You make a joke about how he has it easy when it comes to having to get ready for something and he just laughs at your comment, while grabbing your hand in his. He says "Well, I was going to remind you of the event tonight but figured that you wanted to stay in instead after the day that you had." You said to him "If I had known about this event before that notification from twenty minutes ago, I would've had my outfit and everything already picked out and ready to go, instead we are now going to be really late."

You are both sending each other daggers at this point. Bailey's face is slowly getting redder by the minute as he said "You're really going to try and put the blame on us being late on me, when you set this up with your firends and their partners and then forgot about it completely? That's a new low. even for you, babe."

You are seeing red at this point and say "You just told me, that you weren't going to bring this event up to me in the first place and instead wait for me to get the notification for it and rush to get ready to leave."

He was now seeing red too and said "I wasn't going to say anything about it, because I didn't want you to be in a bad mood after the day that you had, this is the thanks I get for trying to show you that I care about you?"

You let go of his hand and walk out the front door, making sure to slam it shut, for good measure.

He followed you outside and says "So this is how you want to end this argument, with you leaving me home alone, while you go out dressed like that?"

You smirk at him and blow him a kiss before getting into the Uber that you requested in the midst of your rushing to get ready. Before it can leave the driveway, the door opposite you opens and Bailey gets in. He tries to grab your hand, but you pull it away from his grasp.

He sighs at this and then tries to pull you closer to him, but you squirm out of his grasp and say "I'll be sleeping on the couch tonight, just to cool down a bit."

(Back to the present)
Bailey is still a bit tipsy and decided to join you on the couch because he missed you. He kept apologizing and tried to carry you upstairs. You kept saying "Bails go to bed and leave me be, we will talk in the morning." He wasn't having that and he says "But, babe...I miss you and I can't sleep without you next to me." You look at him and say "How do you survive on tour without me sleeping next to you?" He looks you dead in the eyes and says "I sleep with your picture next to me."
You face away from him and try to fall asleep, but he lays down next to you and wraps his arms lazily around you. You both wake up hungover and have splitting headaches that Marley keeps making worse with her constant barking for her to be fed and let out. You take care of Marley with Bailey getting you both some medicine for your headaches and some
Breakfast for you both. You guys end up having a lazy day and forget all about the fight that you guys had the night before.
I might re-write this later, I just ran out of ideas for how this would all tie in together and I wasn't sure if the flashback should be in present or past tense and how to end this one, tbh, lol. 😂

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