Chapter 18

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Anonymous POV :)

I woke up startled to my phone ringing. Picking it up off my nightstand I answered. "Shut the fuck up unless someone's dead." I grumbled into the phone, stopping when I heard someone sob on the other end of the phone. Immediately I felt 20 times more awake "what's wrong? Taylor?" I asked confused. The voice hadn't sounded like Taylor, then again I'd never heard the blond cry. "N-no it's Charlie. Help, I'm having a p-panic attack. Help!" Charlie sobbed and I immediately began to talk "okay okay c'mon, repeat after me 14279" I directed and I could hear the labored breaths of the girl on the other end of the phone "147 w-what was the rest? Help!" She sobbed, still panicked. "131321" I said now "1313, I don't know! I can't breathe!" She cried and at this point I was up, dressed and heading to where I assumed the girl was as she'd called from Taylor's phone, the singers house. "I'm on my way. 131321, you've got this. Just breathe. Recite the numbers." I instructed, keeping my voice level and calming. "13132 w-what was the last number?" She asked "let's try a new one, 121389" I could hear a slight smile in the girls voice as she calmed down almost palpably at that. "T-that's Taylor's birthday." She said softly and I hummed "mhm. Where is she?" I asked and Charlie mumbled "At the studio. She told me to call her if I needed her but I didn't wanna bother her for this." The poor girl. "Taylor always says you could never bother her Char, why don't you believe her?" I questioned, simultaneously texting Taylor and explaining the situation. "Because she's so...perfect and busy all the time and I just don't wanna become a burden. I don't want her to leave me..." "she could never leave you. All she talks about is you and how much she loves you, how much she loves Marjorie, that's all she talks about. You're not a burden at all." I reassured and the girl sighed "Maybe but if I told her...if I told her she definitely would get annoyed. It's stupid." "What is?" "Why I freaked out. I had to do a livestream and the comments, god the comments." "What did they say?" "Telling me to shut up and stuff. I did something I shouldn't have..." the girl said softly "What happened C?" My voice was extremely soft now. "I-I cut too deep. It's still bleeding." I pulled up to the house "Charlie come out to the car." I spoke matter a fact, right on cue Taylor pulled in. Gesturing to my car window she came over and I rolled it down. "Charlie cut too deep. Would you rather take her to the ER?" I asked and Taylor nodded. "Okay." I spoke and looked to Charlie, who now stood on the front step, frozen. "It's okay, I'm not mad baby. Not mad at all. We gotta get you to the hospital though hun. C'mon." Taylor spoke gently, directing Charlie into the car as I went inside to keep an eye on Marjorie and clean up the bathroom, as per Taylor's request so Charlie didn't have to see it when they came home.

Hi! Who do we think the anonymous person is? Any guesses? Suggestions? Opinions? Also teenage girls are so mean. (Most anyway)


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