The Heart's Plea

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In the quiet of the night, she pens her heart's decree,

A whispered confession to the one who set her free.

Her words spill forth like a river, swift and true,

Revealing depths of longing she thought she outgrew.

With trembling hands and tear-stained cheeks,

She writes of love lost, the pain that still speaks.

Confessing to her ex, in words both raw and bare,

That she still misses him, her soul laid bare.

"I miss you," she writes, her voice a soft plea,

"I'd do anything to have you back with me.

Even if it means appearing weak and small,

I'd swallow my pride if you'd heed my call."

She lays her heart on the line, without reserve,

Admitting her longing, and her will to serve.

For love knows no bounds, no pride or shame,

It simply yearns to set hearts aflame.

Though she fears appearing pathetic, she won't retreat,

For her love for him knows no defeat.

She'd brave the depths of despair if it meant he'd see,

That she'd do anything to win back his love, unconditionally.

So in the quiet of the night, her confession she sends,

Hoping it reaches him, that he comprehends.

For she'll wear her heart on her sleeve, without a care,

If it means bringing back the love they once shared.

Whispers of Heart: A Collection of PoemsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt