In light, I am Keen.

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In shadows cast by others' gleaming grace,
I wander lost, seeking my destined place.
Amidst the crowd, where each finds their way,
I linger, grasping for the light of day.

Their purpose shines like stars in night's embrace,
While I, adrift, seek my own rightful space.
In the depths of doubt, I struggle to see,
The path that leads to where I'm meant to be.

Yet in this darkness, a flicker ignites,
A whisper within, dispelling the night.
Through trials endured, and doubts that assail,
I find within, a spark that shall prevail.

For purpose lies not in others' decree,
But in the journey of becoming me.
So I'll embrace the shadows, learn to dance,
And find my purpose in each fleeting chance.

Whispers of Heart: A Collection of PoemsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon