Dear Henry

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(Not a poem)

Dear Henry,

It has been far too long since our paths last crossed, and I find myself yearning for the familiarity of your face, the sound of your voice, and the comforting warmth of your presence. As I sit here, penning this letter to you, I can't help but reminisce about the moments we shared and the bond we once had.

There's an ache in my heart, a longing to see you again, if only for a fleeting moment. I yearn to engage in conversation with you, to share thoughts and feelings that have been bottled up inside me since we last spoke. And most of all, I want to express to you the depth of my affection, the love that still burns bright within me despite the passage of time.

I hold onto the hope that someday, our paths will intersect once more, and that the universe will conspire to bring us together again. Until then, I will hold onto the memories we've created, cherishing them as precious treasures. And as I wait for that fateful day, know that you occupy a special place in my heart, and I will eagerly await the opportunity to reunite with you.With love and longingness,



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