Confession of a People Pleaser

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In childhood's tender years, a void did grow,
My mother's absence left a silent woe.
No father's presence graced occasions bright,
Alone I stood, striving with all my might.

In every realm, I sought to claim the peak,
To catch their gaze, a recognition seek.
A people pleaser, dancing to their tune,
Yet deep within, a longing did consume.

With every triumph, hollow was the cheer,
For love and validation, I held dear.
But as the years unfolded, I discerned,
The path I walked, a mask I'd long adorned.

An adult now, the truth at last revealed,
A lifetime's script, by others' whims congealed.
No longer bound by others' fleeting praise,
I cast aside the roles, in silent grace.

Neglecting accolades, I found release,
In embracing self, I've found my peace.
No longer tethered to the people's gaze,
I bask in freedom's light, through life's maze.

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