There is no Finish Line.

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In the race of life, I stand alone,
Left behind, where others have flown.
Their purpose found, their love embraced,
While I remain in this stagnant space.

Every stride they take, I watch with envy,
As they chase dreams that seem to be plenty.
Their contentment shines, a beacon bright,
While I'm engulfed in endless night.

I yearn to break free from this stagnant ground,
To soar with them, where purpose is found.
But every step forward feels like a weight,
As I struggle to escape this cruel fate.

Yet deep within, a flicker of hope,
A voice whispers softly, helping me cope.
For life's journey is not a sprint but a climb,
And in due time, I'll find my rhyme.

Though others may sprint while I lag behind,
My pace will quicken, my purpose defined.
For in the stillness, I'll uncover my might,
And find my own path, shining bright.

Whispers of Heart: A Collection of PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now