Olivia Benson (SVU) X Fem Reader

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Hi...it's been a long while since I've written one of these, 5 months Holy shit, this is a new character from a show I've been obsessed with for ages.

She's so pretty I'm so Gay for Olivia Benson!

Summary: After a long tiring case Olivias girlfriend comes to the station to take her home and ends up meeting the team.

Third person pov...

Olivia Benson, the detective at the Special Victims Unit (SVU), had just finished a long and tiring case.

She and her Team had spent the entire week at the station, poring over evidence, interviewing suspects, and ultimately solving the heinous crime. Olivia was exhausted and couldn't wait to go home and relax.

As she was packing up her things, her phone buzzed. It was her girlfriend, Y/N, checking in on her.

Babe <3

Hey finished work, want a lift home?

Liv smiles down at her phone, ignoring the raised eyebrow Elliot sent her way she began texting back.

Sure, jsut finished myself

Great, see you soon <3

Y/N was a doctor and often worked long hours as well, but she always made time for Olivia, especially when she knew her partner had a difficult case.

As she packed up Olivia's mind replayed the horrifying details of the case she just solved. As a detective in the SVU, Olivia dealt with some of the most disturbing and heartbreaking cases.

It took a toll on her mental and emotional well-being, but she never let it show. Olivia was a strong and resilient woman, and she was grateful to have such a wonderful and supportive girlfriend.

Just as she was about to leave, Y/Ns familiar face appeared at the doorway of the SVU bullpen, Olivia's tired eyes lit up at the sight of her girlfriend.

"Y/N!" She exclaimed, the H/C woman smiled at how happy she was to see her, the woman shared a hug and quick kiss, as the broke away the rest of the team were staring.

Blushing Olivia dragged Y/N closer to her team. "Everyone, this is Y/N, My amazing girlfriend" Olivia said with a proud smile.

The team were surprised that she had a girlfriend Fin spoke first. "Happy for you baby girl" he said pulling Liv in for a hug and kissing her temple, Munch gave his support as well as Cragen.

After a getting to know everyone Liv pulls away from the group to finish packing up her things, as she does Elliot pulls Y/N aside.

Crossing his arms and squaring his shoudlers he looks at the shorter woman. "You love her right?" He questions her, Y/N looks at the man then at Liv a smile on her face.

Looking the Detective in his eyed shed nods. "Yes I do I love her, she's my rock and I'm hers" she tells him seriously.

Satisfied Elliot smiles and pats her shoudler, Liv then walks over bag in hand as the man leaves, raising a perfect eyebrow at him. "What did he want?" She askes her girlfriend.

Y/N takes her bag and holds her hand. "Nothing much, let's go home" they left the building and walked hand in hand to Y/Ns car, ready to leave the chaos of the station behind.

As they drove home, Olivia finally allowed herself to relax and talk about the case with Y/N She shared the gruesome details and the satisfaction of finally bringing closure to the victim's family.

Y/Nlistened intently, providing a comforting presence for Olivia.

When they arrived home, Y/N had a hot bath ready for Olivia, knowing how mentally exhausting her job could be.

As Olivia soaked in the tub, Y/N prepared a cozy dinner for them, and they spent the rest of the evening cuddled up on the couch, watching their favorite movie.

Y/N presence was like a healing balm for Olivia after a long day at work. She knew how to take care of her partner, both physically and emotionally.

As they drifted off to sleep that night, Olivia couldn't help but feel grateful for Y/N love and support. She knew she couldn't do what she did without her by her side.

The next day, as Olivia returned to work, her colleagues noticed a change in her demeanor. She was more at ease, and there was a glint of happiness in her eyes.

They all knew that it was because of Y/N and they were grateful to have finally met the person who brought such joy to their dear friend and colleague.

the end!

Hope you liked this oneshot for Olivia, i plan to write more of these oneshots.

Requests are open!

Word count: 790

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