Chapter 2: The Seat Swap

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Third Person's POV

As the days passed, Daehyun found herself increasingly unable to ignore the tumult of emotions stirred within her by An Yujin's presence.

Every glance, every word exchanged between them seemed to heighten the intensity of her inner turmoil, leaving Daehyun feeling both exhilarated and unnerved.

Unable to bear the weight of her conflicting emotions any longer, Daehyun made a decision – she would avoid sitting next to Yujin at all costs.

And so, when the opportunity presented itself, Daehyun quietly approached one of her male classmates, whom she had heard harbored a crush on Yujin.

"Hey, do you mind if we swap seats?" Daehyun asked, her voice casual yet tinged with an urgency she couldn't quite conceal.

Her classmate's eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly agreed, eager for the chance to sit closer to his crush. With a murmured thanks, Daehyun took her new seat, a safe distance away from Yujin's captivating presence.

Meanwhile, Yujin couldn't help but notice the sudden change in seating arrangements.

She watched with a furrowed brow as Daehyun exchanged seats with their classmate, her curiosity piqued by the unexpected switch.

"Why did Daehyun unilaterally decide to sit there?" Yujin wondered silently, her thoughts swirling with confusion. She had noticed Daehyun's subtle avoidance tactics in the past few days, but she couldn't fathom the reason behind it.

Despite her curiosity, Yujin remained hesitant to confront Daehyun about the matter. She was unsure of how to broach the subject without causing offense, and so she kept her questions to herself, opting instead to focus on her studies and her interactions with her new classmates.

During break times, Yujin gravitated towards her own circle of friends – Gaeul, Liz, Wonyoung, Rei, and Leeseo – a group known for their intelligence, talent, and popularity.

Though they rivaled Daehyun's friend group in many ways, Yujin found herself drawn to their warmth and camaraderie, grateful for their welcoming presence amidst the uncertainty of her new environment.

In class, Yujin proved to be an attentive and dedicated student, her determination to excel evident in her every action.

She absorbed the lessons with keen interest, her mind constantly buzzing with questions and insights that rivaled even Daehyun's own intellect.

As the days turned into weeks, Daehyun couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease. Yujin's presence in her life seemed to be stirring up more than just emotions – it was challenging her in ways she had never anticipated.

And though Daehyun tried to brush off the feeling of rivalry that simmered beneath the surface, she couldn't shake the nagging suspicion that Yujin was more than just a passing acquaintance – she was a force to be reckoned with.


As the weight of her conflicting emotions grew heavier with each passing day, Daehyun found herself unable to contain her turmoil any longer.

With a heavy heart, she confided in her closest friends, her words tinged with frustration and uncertainty.

Melodies Of The Heart: An Yujin X Jeong Daehyunजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें