Chapter 5: Projects and Game

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Third Person's POV

As the day of the project presentation arrived, Yujin and Daehyun found themselves feeling surprisingly calm and confident.

They had prepared diligently, leaving no stone unturned in their efforts to deliver a stellar performance.

When their turn finally came to present, Yujin and Daehyun took to the front of the class with poise and grace, seamlessly guiding their classmates through the intricacies of their project.

Their explanations were clear and concise, their arguments well-reasoned and supported by solid evidence.

By the time they had finished, the room was filled with applause, and even Mr. Choi seemed impressed by their efforts.

As they returned to their seats, Yujin couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in their accomplishment.

They had worked hard and it had paid off, earning them the highest possible grade from their teacher.

But as Yujin turned to Daehyun, hoping to share in their success together, she was met with indifference.

Daehyun's demeanor remained cold and aloof, her attention already elsewhere as she brushed off Yujin's attempts at acknowledgment.

Yujin's heart sank at Daehyun's dismissive attitude, her efforts to connect with her once again rebuffed by the walls Daehyun had erected around herself.

Despite their success, the distance between them seemed to grow wider with each passing moment, leaving Yujin feeling more alone than ever.

And as the class continued on with their day, Yujin couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that lingered within her, a sense of longing for the connection she so desperately craved with Daehyun, but feared may never come to fruition.


As Yujin and her friends gathered at Rei's house after dismissal, the atmosphere was filled with laughter and camaraderie.

They chatted animatedly about various topics, enjoying each other's company in the comfort of Rei's cozy living room.

Suddenly, Liz piped up with an idea that sparked excitement among the group. "Hey, guys, why don't we go watch the women's soccer team's game this Sunday?" she suggested eagerly, her eyes shining with enthusiasm. "It would be so much fun to support our school!"

Gaeul couldn't help but tease Liz about her ulterior motives. "Oh, come on, Liz, we all know the real reason you want to go," she teased with a playful smirk. "It's not about supporting the school, it's about seeing your beloved Ryujin sunbaenim in action, isn't it?"

Liz's cheeks flushed a bright shade of red at the teasing, but she couldn't deny the truth behind Gaeul's words. "W-Well, maybe that's part of it," she admitted sheepishly, eliciting giggles from the rest of the group.

Yujin listened to her friends' banter with amusement, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.

The idea of watching the soccer game suddenly sparked a thought in her mind – the opportunity to see Daehyun play on the field.

The thought alone sent a shiver of excitement down her spine, igniting a warmth within her that she couldn't quite explain.

Lost in her own thoughts, Yujin was snapped back to reality when Wonyoung playfully teased her about having a crush on someone from the women's soccer team.

Melodies Of The Heart: An Yujin X Jeong DaehyunWhere stories live. Discover now