Chapter 7: Changes

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Third Person's POV

As Yujin listened to Daehyun's friends chatter around her, concern flickered in her eyes.

She couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the girl who seemed burdened by the aftermath of a night of revelry.

"Dude, you look like shit!" Doyoung's careless remark drew a disapproving glare from Kazuha, who immediately stepped in with a more empathetic approach. "Did you drink Aspirin this morning?" she asked, her tone tinged with worry.

Daehyun's response confirmed Yujin's suspicions. "Gosh, that's why my head is hurting like hell because I didn't drink any," Daehyun admitted, her voice sounding strained.

Yuna chimed in, teasingly pointing out the consequences of Daehyun's night of excess. "That's what you get for drinking too much, hangover," she quipped, eliciting laughter from Sunoo.

Observing Daehyun's weary state, Yujin resolved to do something to help.

She quietly slipped out of the classroom and made her way to the clinic, purchasing Aspirin and a bottle of water from the cafeteria before returning to her seat.

Upon her return, Yujin found Daehyun slumped over her desk, fast asleep.

She gently nudged the sleeping girl, but Daehyun remained oblivious to her efforts.

With a sigh, Yujin left the water and Aspirin beside Daehyun's desk, hoping it would provide some relief.

When Daehyun finally stirred from her slumber, Yujin watched expectantly, hoping to see a sign of gratitude for her gesture.

However, her heart sank as she witnessed Daehyun dismissively ask Sunoo to remove the items from her desk, completely disregarding her offering.

Despite her disappointment, Yujin knew there was little she could do.

Daehyun's walls were high, and breaking through them would require more than just a simple act of kindness.

And so, with a heavy heart, Yujin resigned herself to the reality that some wounds ran too deep to be healed by mere gestures of goodwill.

Yujin gathered her courage and approached Daehyun's desk, determined to offer her support despite the girl's aloof demeanor.

But as soon as Daehyun caught sight of her approaching, she swiftly rose from her seat and hastily departed, leaving Yujin standing there, bewildered and disheartened.

The abrupt rejection stung, leaving Yujin to grapple with a flurry of unanswered questions.

Why was Daehyun avoiding her? What had she done to warrant such cold treatment? Yujin racked her brain for answers, but the more she pondered, the more elusive they became.

Frustration simmered beneath the surface as Yujin watched Daehyun retreat, her attempts at reaching out rebuffed once again.

It was clear that Daehyun had no interest in engaging with her, but the reason behind her sudden detachment remained a mystery, leaving Yujin feeling utterly perplexed and dejected.


Yujin's heart sank as she watched the pretty girl approach Daehyun at her locker, her insecurities bubbling to the surface.

She tried to maintain a facade of nonchalance, but inwardly, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gripped her.

Melodies Of The Heart: An Yujin X Jeong DaehyunWhere stories live. Discover now