Chapter 11: Prom

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Third Person's POV

As Daehyun meticulously prepared her outfit for prom, carefully donning her all-black tuxedo, she couldn't shake the swirling mix of emotions within her.

The simple act of applying makeup felt like a facade, a mask to conceal the turmoil in her heart.

Her parents watched on, pride evident in their eyes as they admired their daughter's transformation. "You look absolutely stunning, Daehyun," her mother remarked, a warm smile gracing her lips.

Her father nodded in agreement, his voice filled with pride. "You clean up nicely, kiddo," he teased gently, a twinkle of affection in his eyes.

Daehyun returned their smiles, though the weight of her emotions still lingered beneath the surface. "Thanks, Mom, Dad," she replied, her voice tinged with gratitude.

With one last glance in the mirror, Daehyun took a deep breath, steeling herself for the evening ahead.

It was time to pick up Minji and embark on a night that held both anticipation and uncertainty.

As Daehyun arrived at Minji's house, she was greeted warmly by Minji's parents.

"Good evening, Daehyun," Minji's mother said with a smile, ushering her inside. "Minji will be down in just a moment. Please, make yourself comfortable."

"Thank you, Mrs. Kim," Daehyun replied politely, offering a small smile in return as she stepped into the familiar surroundings of Minji's home.

As Minji's mother disappeared upstairs to fetch her daughter, Daehyun took a seat in the living room, her phone in hand.

She scrolled absentmindedly through her messages, though her mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the evening ahead.

As Minji descended the stairs, her mother followed closely behind, adjusting the final details of her daughter's outfit with a loving touch.

Daehyun couldn't help but admire the sight before her – Minji looked absolutely stunning in her elegant black dress, adorned with delicate pearls that complemented her radiant beauty.

"You look absolutely breathtaking, Minji," Daehyun finally managed to say, her voice filled with genuine admiration.

Minji blushed at the compliment, a shy smile gracing her lips as she replied, "Thank you, Daehyun. You look incredibly handsome yourself."

With their preparations complete, Minji and Daehyun bid farewell to Minji's parents, who offered their blessings and well wishes for the evening ahead.

"We trust you to take care of her, Daehyun," Minji's father said warmly, his eyes reflecting his confidence in Daehyun.

Daehyun nodded appreciatively, a sense of responsibility settling over her as she opened the door for Minji and ensured she was safely seated before taking her own place behind the wheel.

"Ready?" Daehyun asked, glancing at Minji with a reassuring smile as she started the car, their journey to the prom now underway.

As Daehyun opened the car door for Minji, she extended her hand to help Minji out, ensuring she stepped onto the red carpet with grace.

The flashing cameras greeted them as they emerged from the car, capturing every moment of their arrival.

Amidst the flurry of excitement and compliments, Daehyun and Minji exchanged glances, a shared sense of anticipation evident in their eyes.

They walked side by side down the red carpet, basking in the attention and admiration from their peers and the flashing lights of the cameras.

They entered the venue, the eyes of their peers and classmates followed their every move.

Melodies Of The Heart: An Yujin X Jeong Daehyunحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن