Episode 7- Hearts in Turmoil

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Noah was Hazel's best friend. She had never had a better friend than him. He was sweet and supportive. He always helped Hazel with her homework. He was the smartest boy of their class. He was an introvert with all others, but an extrovert when with Hazel. Hazel was very fond of Noah. She felt like they were more than best friends. Recently, she had a feeling that she was becoming more fond of Noah.. Anna said maybe she was falling in love with him. She didn't want to agree. But deep inside, Hazel knew Anna was right.

Scott went to Hazel's classroom during the last period as they had the P.E. class on the last period. She pulled Hazel outside the classroom holding her by her wrist. She was not ready for it. She was so stunned by that move, she remained unable to speak for a while.

Once outside the classroom Hazel spoke up, "Hey, what are you doing?? AHH.. Leave my wrist it hurts." Scott put down his hand. Hazel stepped back a step. She asked, "What is the matter? Are you so in love with Anna, that you can't wait to have her?! I mean that's okay. I totally understand. I'ma call her for you righ..." Scott could not bear anymore. His heart ached at how Hazel misunderstood him. He pulled her closer by her waist. "Are you that dumb or are you just acting fool? Can't you really understand what I feel? Hazel, look into my eyes. Don't you see..?"
Hazel felt uncomfortable. She removed his hand and as she was going to speak, the P.E. teacher spoke up. "Okay students. Now gather up. Let's start the first exercise."

Scott stamped his feet. He was frustrated. Why does my fate need to be so cruel with me?? Is it too much to ask for love?? Is it a sin?? If not, then why, why do I need to suffer so much?? Is Hazel blind?? Can't she see how much I love her?? Can't she understand my love?? Or is she probably in love with... No no, that can't be true. She's mine and mine only.

Noah stood beside Hazel in the P.E. class. They were partners for partners for that days kabaddi match. Noah looked at her. She looked as cute and innocent as always. Simply staring at her cured all his pains. He smiled at Hazel. Hazel smiled back. Hazel looked at Noah. While he was sweating after the exercising, few strands of his short hair fell on his forehead. As Hazel looked at him, she could not help but wonder how cute he looked. His adorned smile was melting her heart and his twinkling eyes were brighter than the stars. The sweatshirt was caught tightly on his body, and showed the epitome of physical perfection. With broad shoulders and a chiseled chest exuded his strength and athletism. But above all, it was his friendliness towards Hazel, that truly mattered the most.

As she was thinking all this, her thoughts suddenly vanished, when Scott came and stood between Hazel and Noah. They both were caught incalculable at his sudden entrance. Hazel asked, "What brings you here?" Scott replied, "Well, it's cause you and I are partners for today's match. As you know everyone wants to be partners with me for my exceptionally good skills, but you got lucky today." Noah was not ready for it. He spoke up, "No. Hazel will be partners with me today as always. It has been already decided."

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