Part 7

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Jimin P.O.V.

I rushed to the cafe soon after that.

The first thing I did as I entered inside was to look around to see if I could find the familiar-looking bunny face with bambi eyes guy.

But sadly he wasn't present there. So with a sigh, I headed towards the locker and kitchen area to get ready to work for the day.

Then the second thing I did, as I entered the kitchen area was to ask around if they had seen the man I was looking for coming in before I got there.

But thankfully the reply I got in return was a no. Well, at least I wasn't late and maybe still had the chance to meet the Other. Well only if the other decides to show up today that is.

So with yet another sigh, I began my day at the cafe, working. It was no doubt gonna be a long day.

Today was a quite busy day, not that I am complaining.  More customers means more business so it was all good.

But that was the problem, it was not all good.

The man who has a face similar to a bunny with such adorable bambi eyes aka Jeon Jungkook was missing.

I mean he didn't show up at all today. And I don't know if he is going to show up today before my day end which doesn't even have 2 hours left. Honestly, I had no hopes for it.

I mean if he was to show up today, he would have already been here by now... but yeah!

Well anyways, there's always a tomorrow. And I am sure he will show up soon! Yes!

With that thought in my mind to cheer myself a bit, I went back to work.

I didn't realise when it was already time to close the cafe for the day. It was already gonna be 8 pm.

Can't believe how time passes by...

I was helping my workers prepare to shut down for the day when the bell rang that was at the entrance indicating that someone had come in.

"Sorry, but we are close for th-"

I stopped talking in the middle as I turned around and saw who was standing in front of me.

There he was standing in front of me, when I actually thought that he was not gonna show up today.

He gave me a sheepish smile with a small "hi" and I was still standing in my place, stunned.

No one P.O.V.

Jungkook greeted Jimin as soon as the latter had turned around to face him.

But got nothing in return as Jimin was frozen in his place.

So he tried once again.

"Hi Jimin," he said loudly this time, making the other break out of whatever thought he was lost in.

"Huh?... oh!... Hi jungkook... good to see here... thought you weren't going to come today..." jimin finally said, greeting the other back, making his way towards him.

"Oh well yeah! I did plan to come by in the evening but got a bit stuck with work... I hope I am not too late though..." jungkook replied.

"No, you're just in time. We were about to close but do you want some coffee? I can make you some" Jimin offered.

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