Locked Out

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It was now morning within Shotaro's home the young boy, in his school uniform was sitting in the living room as a news report was broadcasted in the tv, showing the events of the battle from the day before.

Shotaro: Wow, they're really making a big deal out of the fight yesterday.

Reporter: On others news it, reports have come during the U.W.O's raid on an secret laboratory of the organization known as NEO Dai-Shocker, the organization whose actions had caused the fusion of worlds a few years ago. The reports include sightings of a Kamen Rider.

Images of Kamen Rider Raijin appeared on the television screen as the news reporter continued.

Shotaro: 'How did they get these pictures?'

Reporter: Reports indicate that this new Kamen Rider calls himself 'Kamen Rider Raijin.' He was reported facing the leader of the laboratory, defeating the Shocker leader and many Shocker soldiers as well. Attempts have been made to gain more information pertaining to this 'Raijin,' however all attempts have been proved futile as U.W.O have refused to release any new information about 'Raijin.'

Images showing people trying to interview people from U.W.O, such as Ironwood replaced the image of Raijin.

Reporter: However, there have been reports of U.W.O. agents on a manhunt for this new Kamen Rider, which may have led many to believing that this new Kamen Rider may be an enemy in disguise. Just who is this 'Raijin' ? Friend or Foe? Just what is this 'Raijin' planning to do next?

The tv screen turns black as an annoyed Shotaro had turned off the tv, with the reporter's words stuck in his mind.

Shotaro: Nothing that's what....

Shotaro's mind begins drifting to his conversation with Philip and Tsumiri the previous night.



Tsumiri had begun her explanation of what Rider Hunter was.

Tsumiri: A Rider Hunter is the title given to monsters or Shocker soldiers that were specifically trained to hunt down the surviving Kamen Riders in the oher world, with some being rewarded RIse Keys as prizes.

Shotaro: What do they do with the Rise Keys?

Philip: I believe they follow the same principle as an Another Rider Ride Watch when they are given to people.

Tsumiri: Yes, however the Rise Keys are driven by the person's desires, and if that desire is strong enough they can corrupt the power of the Kamen Riders within the Rise Keys, transforming them into Kaijin Riders.

Shotaro punches the palm, with a look of irritation on his face.

Shotaro: Damn Shocker! To use the power of Kamen Riders like this, tainting their legacy.

Philip: Calm down Shotaro, no need to do anything rash. Tsumiri you said that only some were given Rise Keys does that mean the RIder Hunters are not just Kaijin RIders?

Tsumiri: Yes, not just Kaijin RIders, but also some monsters and other Kamen Riders have joined the Rider Hunters.

Shotaro: WHAT?! How can Kamen Riders side with Shocker!

Philip: Shotaro calm down.

Shotaro: But-!

Philip: Allow Tsumiri to continue Speaking.

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