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Idea by: someone in a groepchat thanks A

This one is gona be kinda of kinky so yea... just yea

Charlies POV:
We finally got one of those ice cream machines that can make any liquid into ice cream. We had tried every combo possible like every fruit juice we could find, chocolate milk and we even just melted ice cream just to see how that would turn out. But after 2 hours of just putting stuff in containers we said we would make one more. But what flavor? After a few minutes of thinking I came up with an idea that I barely could even pitch. But Nick imediately saw my facial expresion and asked "What do you have in that dirty mind of yours Char?" After a few seconds I finaly built up the courage to say: "What if we made cum ice cream?" I saw his face turn red before he pulled himself together. "I would love to try that, but only if we mix our flavors." I knew what he meant. He meant that we would use both of our cums together in one go. I was up for it.I locked the door (I am not gonna have the squad walk in on them, dont worry) and we did rock, papper, sissors for who was gona go first and he won. So i started jerking him off. I also kissed him so he woud finish faster and so he would not moan too loud because we were staying at Nicks with the whole Paris Squad and we did not want the rest to know what we were doing. When Nick finished it was my turn. I finished way faster.(Kinky part coming soon)We unlocked the door and Tao came in. We asked him if he wanted some ice cream and he said yes. But he grabbed the ice cream tub with cum in it. so naturally we said "That one isn't good. You should take chocolate milk. That one tastes great!" But, he said "Na, I just want some vanilla." And before we could say something else he took a bite. His whole face went weird. Luckely Nick had already picked up an excuse. "I wanted to tell you. that one was the one where we dropped a whole glass of lemon juce and white chocolate so it will taste kinda sour and sweet." We made one with actual vanilla and gave it to him. when he left the room we burst out laughing. "That was close"

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