•-Chapter 4-•

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Shadow and Rouge have arrived to where they saw Silver waiting for them. Silver: "Took you two long enough." Shadow: "Not our fault that you live far away." Rouge: "Shadow, he was joking." Silver: "Well, let's start again. Hello Shadow... and Rouge."
Shadow: "Hello..." Rouge: "Hey Silver, anyways, why did you want us two to meet you here." Silver: "Okay, I have good news and bad mews."Rouge: Okay, what is it? Silver: "Uhm, good news is that Blaze and I are together."
Shadow: "Finally about time you two got together." Rouge: "And the bad news." Silver: "Well, there is no bad news." Shadow: "We were just here for you to tell us you and Blaze are dating...REALLY...?!" Silver: "Well, something else...it's about lavenders...
aperently, there's a disease going on about them...so don't go anywhere near them... got it." Shadow: "When did this start." Silver: "I found out today." Rouge: "We have lavenders, but they are in the forest." Shadow remembered when he told Sonic to take care of the lavenders, and now he found out that there's a disease about it spreading around. Shadow: "We need to go back right NOW.!?" Rouge: "Uhh, why we just got here.?"
Shadow: "I told Sonic to watch the lavenders, and now -" Silver: "Then we have to go back he could be the first person who gets THAT disease!!"
Shadow: "Let's go." Rouge: "Okay."
Silver: "Right behind you guys."
Shadow: "Is there a cure for that disease, by the way." Silver: "A tea with a special flower that was hard to find, but I found it..." Silver: "And this is the only one, so if we lose it, we'll have nothing to cure Sonic if he did get sick..." Shadow: "Ok, no time to waste. Let's go." Rouge: "What about Blaze." Silver: "She's on a mission to go find gems or something."
Rouge: "Wait, I know I shouldn't have been eavesdropping, but Shadow, didn't you tell Sonic you were leaving Green Hills?" Shadow: "I-I maybe I don't want to leave Sonic..." Rouge: "Aww, how cute." Silver: "Wow, I didn't know you liked Sonic."
Shadow: "I don't....let's just go. I don't want to waste any more time."
As said, the three of them went back to Green Hills. -End of chapter 4-

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