◇-Chapter 8-◇

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This time, both hedgehogs got into a bigger argument because Sonic thought Shadow was cheating on him.
Sonic: "I can't believe you're cheating on me.!?" Shadow: "I'm not. I told you that..." Sonic:"YES YOU ARE...THAT'S WHY YOUR ALWAYS LATE ISN'T IT...!?"
Shadow: "NO, IT'S NOT EVEN THAT DUMBASS...!?" Sonic stayed quiet it was Shadow's first time calling him that. Shadow couldn't believe what he had just said to Sonic he had never said that to him ever! Sonic: "You know what it's over... I'm done with you." Shadow: "Wait Sonic I'm- fine GO I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU..."
Shadow: "No, why do I keep saying all these things." Sonic ran out in tears he started packing his stuff. Shadow: "Wait, we can talk about this..."
Sonic: "I'm leaving. I don't wanna be here anymore, especially not with you.!" Shadow watched as Sonic left
Sonic: "Bye..." Shadow: "Wait, please stay..." Sonic: "NO...I HATE YOU...!"
AND DON'T COME BACK TO ME CRYING BECAUSE YOU WANT ME BACK.!?" Sonic slammed the front door while Shadow was in tears, Sonic was also crying. Both hedgehogs didn't expect their relationship to take a big turn and break up with each other. Sonic stayed in his old house while Shadow stayed in their house that they had brought when they were together. They both blocked each other on social media, Sonic told his friends that he and Shadow were no longer together. Shadow told Rouge what happened between him and Sonic and why they had broken up. -End of Chapter 8-

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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