*-Chapter 6-*

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As the two hedgehogs got along, not only that, but both gained feelings for each other but didn't know how to tell each other. They both kept their feelings a secret until one night that changed. They were at Sonic's house watching a movie while laughing and talking. Sonic: "So Shads, do you have someone special that you want to tell me." Shadow: "Like a crush or..."
Sonic: "Yea, a crush." Shadow: "Well, I-I uhm...it's y-you..." Sonic blushed
Sonic: "Wai- ME, really!?" Shadow: "Yea, actually... but we don't have to be together if you don't want to..."
Sonic: "Shads, I WANT to be with you and ONLY you..." Shadow: "So do I Sonic...I love you..." Sonic: "I love you too." Both hedgehogs kissed. Shadow felt like everything froze, and he was only with Sonic. Shadow pulled him closer, while Sonic blushed a lot. After what seemed like forever, they pulled away from each other. Sonic: "That was AMAZING!!" Shadow smiled and held Sonic's hand. Sonic: "Should we tell the others or... just wait for a bit.?"
Shadow: "Let's wait for a little, but right now, let's enjoy the time we have with each other..." Sonic: "Okay, Shads." Shadow: "Let's continue...Faker~"
Both hedgehogs kissed and made out the whole night and had fun with each other. -End of Chapter 6-

♡-Sonadow-♡ Enemys/Rivals to Lovers♡Where stories live. Discover now