{-Chapter 5-}

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The three of them arrived at Green hills. The first thing Shadow did was run through the meadow of lavender forest while Rouge and Silver were behind him. Shadow saw Sonic sitting on a rock the same place where Shadow sits, holding a lavender.
Sonic: "Oh hey Shads, you ba-"
Shadow came up to him, hugged him, and checked his whole body
Shadow: "Are you hurt? Are you okay? "
Sonic: "I'm okay...why do you ask?"
Shadow: "Drop the lavender..." Sonic dropped the lavender. Sonic: "I thought you said you were never coming back to Green Hills..." Shadow: "I changed my mind about that... I want to be with you and keep you safe..." Sonic blushed, and so did Shadow. Rouge and Silver watched in Awe. As Shadow hugged Sonic
Shadow: "Maybe I don't want to be your rival... I want to be your friend..." Shadow: "Are you okay? Are you feeling weird or..." Sonic: "I'm okay." Silver went to check on Sonic
Silver: "He's okay, but just in case, eat this flower..." Sonic: "Uhh, okay..."
Sonic ate the flower. Silver: "Well, I can't stay here any longer... I have to go now bye Shadow, Sonic, and Rouge." Rouge: "Bye Silver."
Shadow: " Bye Sliver." When Silver left, it was just Rouge Shadow and Sonic. Rouge: "I have to leave. I wanna go see knuckles." Rouge left, and now it was just Shadow and Sonic. Sonic: "Now what..."
Shadow: "Wanna be friends..."
Sonic: "Sure, I guess." Shadow: "Let's get to know each other instead of being Rivals." Sonic looked at Shadow and smiled, and Shadow looked away moments after. Both hedgehogs talked and got to know each other and eventually became somewhat friends. -End on chapter 5-

♡-Sonadow-♡ Enemys/Rivals to Lovers♡Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt