Chapter II || Dreams.

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TW: This chapter describes situations including gore and other disturbing scenes, please be wary while reading!

*Henry's POV*

When we arrive at Hurricane Hospital, Clay, Jessica, and John are already there. It feels awkward arriving when everyone else is already there. Clay smiles at me, lifting his chin and giving a neutral look to Elizabeth, as if he still didn't trust her. The room is painted a plain grey, the tiles beneath us white. I take in a breath through my nose, the smell like an old bookstore. "How are you settling back in, Henry?" I open my mouth and before I can get a word out, Elizabeth steps in.

"We found something quite odd." She remarks, pulling the letter out of the pocket of her dark grey cardigan. Clay's eyes widen as he looks at the letter, taking it from Elizabeth, reading it.

"This must be some joke... were you two planning to go find where this address lead?" Clay asks, looking at me. I open my mouth to speak, and he interrupts me before I can even begin, "Well I'm advising you to do the right thing and don't. There are no other Afton's that live in Hurricane—at least not alive ones. Someone must be messing with you."

"This note was found inside my house. Whoever wrote it knows where I live, Clay. I have to go see what they want." Clay narrows his eyes as I speak, "and without you. You can't protect me from everything. I'm a grown man." I cross my arms.

John and Jessica look at eachother, worry in their eyes as the gaze goes from Carlton to Clay and I. Glancing down at Carlton, his eyes flicker open. "Son..." Clay says, walking over to Carlton's side to grab his hand. Carlton looks shocked, hesitant to grab his father's hand.

"Where's William? What happened?" He asks, frantically looking around at us all. Which is weird, because he woke up prior to this. Why is he concerned about William now? Carlton looks at me, "You were William's best friend, you must have had dreams of him before...right?" Carlton asks, and my eyes widen in surprise. Why would William be coming to Carlton in a dream months later, and why Carlton?

"William is dead." Elizabeth and I say in sync. I walk toward Carlton's other side, crouching down to his level. Luckily for me, I always carry a notebook and pen on me. "What happened in that dream?" I ask, and he makes a weird face as I pull out the notebook and pen as if I was questioning him. He decides not to question it, thankfully.

*Carlton's POV*

I wake up, tied to a chair. "If only we had gotten Henry...but I guess you'll be useful." William says, I swallow nervously as he turns his back to me. I try to see what he is doing, but I can't see anything over his tall, slim body.
"What are you doing?" I ask him, and he looks back at me with a wild look.
"Preparing my remnant, of course." He picks up a syringe full of amethyst colored liquid, showing it off to me. "Before you start asking questions, I originally crafted remnant to make myself live forever, however, I'm curious to see if it actually works. I've never tried it on a mortal such as yourself. I squirm in the chair, and then i start to shriek as he gets closer to me. The door swings open, Henry and Jessica run in.
"Lay your hands off of him, Afton!" Henry says loud enough to hear over my shrieking. I tried to stop, hut I felt so out of control...
"I'm just getting started, Henry." William grins evilly, plunging the syringe full of remnant right into my heart. My head forcefully drops, and I don't feel any feeling in my limbs anymore. I'm not sure if I'm crying or screaming anymore.
"Carlton!" Jessica sobs, but it sounds far away. "What have you done to my best friend?!" Jessica demands, I hear her step closer as I'm still conscious.
"Step away!" William says. All of a sudden, I can see again, but this time, I am watching from overhead. Gasping, I look down at myself tied to the chair. I want to throw up. William still has more remnant in his syringe, and he is slowly approaching Jessica. "Maybe the heart was too direct..?" He smiles, plunging the syringe of remnant right into Jessica's neck. Henry runs to her aid, holding her until her body goes limp. She is shrieking, as well.
"It hurts!" She moans in agony. Eventually, she goes limp and Henry sits her against a wall.
Now it's just Henry and William. Henry glares at William with disgust. "You know you wouldn't dare to touch me, William."
"Oh, I know that, but would you dare hurt me?" William smiles. Henry looks over to the counter, grabbing a bigger, and seemingly heavier syringe. William's eyes widen, "So now you're going to fight me? After all these years?" William asks him, and Henry froze. William walks back over to the counter, refilling his syringe with remnant. "I don't want to hurt you, dear friend, but if it comes down to that..." William frowns, setting down the syringe. Henry walks toward him as William steps away from the counter, syringe still in hand.
"Oh, William..." Henry says in an angelic tone, smiling. He lifts his empty syringe up in the air, stabbing william right in the heart. "GO TO HELL!" He screams. William steps back, holding a hand to his heart, Henry raises the syringe again and stabs William in the neck as if he were a madman. After a few more rounds, William dropped to the floor, leaving Henry the only one standing. Henry examines the syringe he was holding, blood running down it and onto his hand. Breathing heavily, he throws the syringe across the room.

*Henry's POV*

"...That's where it ended. I wish I had more information for you." Carlton says, sighing as he looks over at John with a lovestruck gaze. I don't mind it as it is none of my business, and I stand up again, putting the little notebook and pen back in my pocket.


"What are you, a detective?" Elizabeth raises an eyebrow as we go out to the car.

I roll my eyes, looking down at my notepad. "Certainly not, and besides, this might be the after effect of the remnant." I exclaim, and she shrugs, suggesting that William never told her much about such things. "I wish that Freddy's didn't burn down.. we could've went back there."

"You know, I never actually burnt down the whole building, just the room William died in. I shut the door, and those things are like...metal. So the rest of the building should be still standing. I'm not positive, I haven't been back there since." Elizabeth explains, and with that, I take a sharp left turn toward Freddy's.

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