XX || Wives...who needs 'em?

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*Henry's POV*

My head hurts like hell. I stand up, walking over Clay, leaning onto the bedpost for support. I stumble over to the door as if I'm drunk, and walk downstairs. I wonder what time it is, looking at my watch. 9:56 PM. My eyes widen, and I am greeted by the teenagers, and Elizabeth. "Why are you here..?" I ask Elizabeth, not daring to move any further from my current position.

"I came here to warn you...William is going to try to come to kill you soon, and I know what it seems like, but I swear I am fully on your side. You're my real father. He never treated me like his child." Elizabeth says, tears in her eyes.

"She's telling the truth. She beat up Clay after she saw what he did to you." Jessica adds, and I nod, slowly coming down the stairs.

"I don't know what demon possessed him for him to hit me, but that wasn't normal."

Carlton looks away from the group, into the kitchen. I follow his eyes, and he looks at bottles of liquor in a glass cupboard. I frown. "Dad never hit me or mom...but ever since mom left, he's just let himself go."

"I get that, I really do. I lost myself while making all those Charlie bots. I don't know if I'll ever touch a robot again."

Jessica jumps up, smiling, "You totally should! Come out of retirement, build a new place and rebuild the animatronics every person in this town loved!" Jessica's smile turns neutral, "But I guess that requires money...of course you have that! Right?"

I nod, that's why I was able to give up Freddy's and retire so early in my life. I don't dismiss the idea completely.

"I have some of the knowledge of animatronics that my father passed down to me, I could help you." Elizabeth offers, and I tell her that there will be no killer robots this time. She agrees, jumping up and down surprisingly not breaking an ankle with her heels on.

"We could try?" I say with an unsure tone.

Creaks come from the staircase, and I turn around. "You bitch." He looks at Elizabeth, and her expression is calm. He cracks his knuckles, and I back up to protect Elizabeth.

"One of us is made of metal, and it's certainly not you. Step out of the way, dad." She says, and I listen.

"Don't you dare touch my daughter, Clay Burke!" I tell him, shielding Jessica, John, and Carlton. Elizabeth faces him, and her figure goes blurry.

There stands another version of me, but he has a mean expression on. "Not very police-like of you, Clay, but then again...neither is kissing a criminal like me." The other version of me puts a hand on Clay's chest, pushing him away. "Stay away from those kids. You aren't acting like yourself, Clay." Elizabeth is scarily in character, and Clay is giving her a dirty look.

Elizabeth turns back into her original self, crossing her arms. "You have dry blood on your face, better go look in the mirror." She says plainly, and Clay touches his face, walking to the bathroom. When he is out of the room, Elizabeth turns around, "We need to get out of here, he looks intoxicated."

"Henry, do you remember if Clay had anything to drink before your fight?" Jessica asks, and I turn my head to look at her.

I sigh, scratching my head, "Oh, yes. He even offered me some, but I'm not a drinker...like at all. So obviously, I declined." I look up to the bottles of liquor again, frowning. "He should be back to normal in the morning, but for now, I'm going to stay at my own home."

Jessica nods, "I'll stay at my apartment. Carlton, if you want to come with me I'm sure it won't be a problem, and John, I know you have your own apartment."

We all broke up, and Elizabeth came with me to our home.

"John hates me." Elizabeth blurts out while we're driving home.

I look over for a moment, and then glance back toward the road. "Why is that, honey?"

"Well, he always gives me a dirty look whenever I walk into the room, he's probably mad that I took Charlie's place since Charlie is...you know."

"John had a massive crush on Charlotte, he always has. His mother and I started to bet on how long it would be until they got together." I chuckle at the memory. "He's an introvert, he keeps to himself, and somehow he's best friends with the person whom is the exact opposite of him—Carlton."

Elizabeth nods, "I have no interest in any boys. Is that normal?"

I sigh, "when you're old enough, you're going to be complaining that you can't find a boyfriend, or that you miss your boyfriend. Aurora was the same way." I smile sadly, thinking of my wife.

Elizabeth raises an eyebrow as I stop the car, getting out. She gets out as well, asking me a billion questions, the first being, "Who is Aurora?"

"My ex-wife. She abandoned me when I was at my lowest. That's when I needed her the most." I sigh, "I don't have any hard feelings...we both knew something was wrong with me. For the better, she took our only alive child, and I haven't seen them since."

"Why don't we go look for them?" Elizabeth suggests, and I sigh.

"I wouldn't know where to start looking..." I put my head in my hands, and Elizabeth smiles.

"This might sound weird, but the only person who would know..." Elizabeth starts, swallowing. "Is Clay."

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